Update: June 2018 moved to Gitlab.
This demo is to install a financial services customer evaluation process driven application in the Cloud based on leveraging the OpenShift Container Platform (OCP). It delivers a fully functioning financial process for customer evaluation containerized on OCP.
The customer evaluation project demonstrates the BPM Suite process integration with rules. It is a straight through process (STP).
- (OPTIONAL) First ensure you have an OpenShift container based installation, such as one of the following installed first:
or your own OpenShift installation.
Download JBoss EAP & JBoss BPM Suite, add to installs directory (see installs/README).
Run 'init.sh' or 'init.bat' file. 'init.bat' must be run with Administrative privileges:
# The installation needs to be pointed to a running version
# of OpenShift, so pass an IP address such as:
$ ./init.sh # example for OCP.
Log in to customer evaluation application to start exploring (the address will be generated by the init script):
- OCP example: http://rhcs-customereval-demo-appdev-in-cloud. ( u:erics / p:bpmsuite1! )
Should your local network DNS not handle the resolution of the above address, giving you page not found errors, you can apply the following to your local hosts file:
$ sudo vi /etc/hosts
# add host for OCP demo resulution rhcs-customereval-demo-appdev-in-cloud.
If for any reason the installation breaks or you want a new installation, just remove the project entry in the OpenShift console and re-run the installation.
This project is pre-loaded into the JBoss BPM Suite, after starting it you can login, examine the rule, process, and data model from within the various product components.
AppDev in the Cloud with Financial Customer Evaluation Solution
7 Steps to Your First Process with JBoss BPM Suite Starter Kit
3 shockingly easy ways into JBoss rules, events, planning & BPM
Launching Into the Clouds With 2 New OpenShift Primer bpmPaaS Quickstarts
Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite - all product demos updated for version 6.0.2.GA release
See the tagged releases for the following versions of the product:
v1.1 - JBoss BPM Suite 6.4.0 and JBoss EAP 7.0.0 with customer evaluation deployed and available on CDK with Minishift.
v1.0 - JBoss BPM Suite 6.4.0 and JBoss EAP 7.0.0 with customer evaluation deployed on any OCP.