a luajit client for ssdb make use of ssdb cpp api src/DBSS.cc is a C wrapper of cpp api DB.lua is a ffi wrapper for DBSS.cc
#INSTALL first make sure you have cmake then
- run
will make build dir in current dir
- copy lib file and DB.lua to your project
the lib file located in build/release/lib/libDBSS.so, you should copy or to link it to your /usr/local/lib/ or any other proper directory
copy DB.lua config.lua helper.lua to your project, the later two are not required,you can easily edit DB.lua to get rid of them or use your project file to feed DB.lua
in DB.lua make sure the libSSDB.so path is correct
default is
ssdb = assert(ffi.load(LUA_SCRIPT_ROOT .. 'build/release/lib/libDBSS.so'),"load libDBSS.so failed")
if copy to /usr/local/lib then
ssdb = assert(ffi.load("/usr/local/lib/libDBSS.so"),"load libDBSS failed")
- edit last line of DB.lua, make sure the ip and port is correct
make sure you have luajit
luajit luatest.lua
#USAGE edit config.lua set ssdb server ip and port,default is local host and 8888
then in your lua file:
DB = require("DB").DB
it would connect ssdb,and you r good to go
DB = require("DB").DB
local ret = DB:get("key")
more usage please see luatest.lua and DB.lua
#SEE ALSO ssdb https://github.com/ideawu/ssdb
luajit http://luajit.org/