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HowTo: Add or change i3 Keybindings

Ken Gilmer edited this page Dec 28, 2019 · 2 revisions
  1. Consult the i3 User's Guide to find out which feature you'd like to add or change.
  2. Stage your own i3 config file, then open ~/.config/regolith/i3/config in your editor of choice.
  3. The lines which start with bindsym map keys to actions. $mod means the modifier key, which by default is ⊞ Win. For example bindsym $mod+Return exec /usr/bin/st will cause i3 to run /usr/bin/st when ⊞ Win and Return are pressed at the same time.
  4. Update an existing line or add a new one based on your needs. For example, to cause i3 to use tabbed layout mode, when ⊞ Win and t are pressed, add this to the config file: bindsym $mod+t workspace_layout tabbed
  5. After making the change, save the file and reload i3 with ⊞ Win + Shift + r.