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Release 5.0.0

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@rehanone rehanone released this 16 Dec 04:06
· 8 commits to master since this release

5.0.0 (December 16, 2022)

Breaking Changes:

This release addresses the upstream changes in oh-my-zsh related to DISABLE_AUTO_UPDATE
variable being deprecated. It replaces the disable_auto_update with auto_update_mode and auto_update_frequency variables in class ohmyzsh::install. The auto_update_mode has these values (auto, disabled, reminder). This is as per documentation for oh-my-zsh.

Also, this release replaces override_template feature with a new update_zshrc variable in ohmyzsh::install. This new variable has three values:

  • always - Always replaces your local .zshrc file with upstream template. Use it with care!
  • disabled - Disables replacement of your local .zshrc file with upstream template except if the file does not exist or on first installation. This is default.
  • sync - Replaces your local .zshrc file with upstream template only when there is a change in upstream git repository. The upstream change is not just limited to the template but could be any file.

There is a backup feature that creates a backup of your previous .zshrc file using the following naming convention:

.zshrc.bak.$(date +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%:z')

It is enabled by default but can be disabled using backup_zshrc variable.