This bundle provides a simple integration of the "Discogs library" into Symfony2. You can find more information about this library on its dedicated page at
$discogs = $this->container->get('discogs');
The bundle provides a new discogs
service that returns an instance of
$ composer require ricbra/discogs-bundle ~1.0.0
Enable the bundle in the kernel:
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Ricbra\Bundle\DiscogsBundle\RicbraDiscogsBundle(),
To enable or disable the throttle:
enabled: false # or true
To enable OAuth you've to also use some third party library for connecting and authorization. This bundle provides
support for HWIOAuthBundle. The token_provider_id
is the service id which provider the token and token
secret. You get this after authenticating at Discogs.
enabled: true
consumer_key: _get_this_from_discogs_
consumer_secret: _get_this_from_discogs_
token_provider_id: ricbra_discogs.hwi_oauth_token_provider
The only thing to do is to request the discogs
service from the container to get
an instance of Discogs\Service
and start issuing API calls:
$discogs = $this->container->get('discogs');
$artist = $discogs->getArtist([
'id' => 120
echo $artist['name'];