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IP address target range

Robert David Graham edited this page Sep 11, 2013 · 1 revision

This program is designed to scan the entire Internet. It works something like this:

# masscan -p 80,8080,3128

This will scan the entire Internet for port 80. However, sometimes you want to scan smaller ranges. For example, within a company you might want to scan just the private IP address ranges:

# masscan -p80,8080,3128

The above assumes "CIDR" addressing, but smaller ranges can be provided:

# masscan -p80,8080,3128

Or, if scanning only a single host:

# masscan -p80,8080,3128

Nmap Compatibility: This is similar to nmap. One major difference is that ONLY IP addresses can be specified, not hostnames that require a DNS lookup. Secondly, the weird nmap method of subranges won't work, the one that looks like 10.0.100-200.1. I suppose I could make it work, but I think it's just stupid.