Note: No longer LWRP (Light-weight Render pipeline), updated project to be 2019.4.11f URP (Universal Rendering Pipeline)
A Unity3D Test project, playing around with a few different techniques:
- Foliage movement and animation using Shadergraph
- improving default
- Scripted Depth of Focus changes See Scripts/DepthOfFieldController.cs
- Dynamic plane generation (from Brackeys tutorial)
- Enhancing the Ocean shader (from the Unity tutorial - Creating Animated materials with Shadergraph)
This project utilizes a few free resources, attributed here:
Palm Tree models: from Turbo Squid :
Ferns: from the built in LWRP demo
Sand Texture:
- Press 'G' to see Guassian DOF effect, press 'B' to see Bokeh effect.
- Ocean foam at beach terrain intersection OR - try other people's better Water shaders..
- VFX for sand surface particles
- Add a boat, and swaying rope
- Try to use Shadergraph to animate birds and crabs