This Project is a Simple ReactJS Project which demonstrates the following
- Creating a Component in React with Typescript
- Making HTTP calls to consume an API
- Writing Clean Code
- Writing Unit Tests
Refer to to install nodejs The version used for this project is v16
Clone the project into local
Install all the packages. Go into the project folder and type the following command to install all yarn packages
yarn install
In order to run the application Type the following command
yarn dev
The Application Runs on http://localhost:5173/
In order to run the tests Type the following command
yarn test
Posts Component : This Component displays a list of posts. This Component gets the data from jsonplaceholder APIs.
SinglePost Component : This Component Displays the details of the selected Post. This Component gets its data from jsonplaceholder APIs as well.
ErrorBoundary Component : This Component Displays a custom error page whenever an unhandled exception that corrupt the state of the React app occurs in the application.
The application has one url / which ties to Posts Component and another url /post/:postId which ties to a Post details
Vite : Vite is a build tool that aims to provide a faster and leaner development experience for modern web projects.
Fuse.js : Powerful, lightweight fuzzy-search library, with zero dependencies.
React Router : Client Side routing