Instantly deploy open source application into the AppHarbor cloud platform.
To see it in action, visit http://appharbify.com and sign in with your AppHarbor account.
##Making your app available? It's simple, fork Appharbify, edit Apps.json and send me a pull request.
Here is an example of what you need to add
'key': 'a unique key for your app',
'name': 'a friendly, short, name for your app',
'description': 'a longer description of your app',
'project_url': 'link to the project homepage',
'download_url': 'link to gzipped tarball of source to be deployed, github helpfully provides these',
'addons': ['an', 'array', 'of', 'addons', 'to', 'install'],
'variables': {
'variable_name': 'variable description',
'second_variable': 'description'
// A hash of variables that the user can configure. These are injected into web.config/appSettings
'enableFileSystem': true/false // Controls whether to enable file system access on AppHarbor
For a list of supported addons see Addons.cs
##Contact Grab me on twitter @csainty, follow my blog or track me down somewhere on JabbR.