Supporting utilities to develop automation suite with Java/Selenium. Web Automation and File Automation related basic reusable building blocks are put together for faster prototyping. Test Automation Framework as API.
See Example using this Utility Library. See Example to dump all element in the page.
Download compatible driver.exe. Place it in project folder.
WebDriver driver;
String url = "";
// Create Chrome Driver Instance with initial URL
driver = new GetDriver().chromeDriver(url);
// Create IE Driver Instance with Initial URL
driver = new GetDriver().ieDriver(url);
// Create Firefox Driver Instance without Initial URL
driver = new GetDriver().firefoxDriver();
DriverSupport Object handles interaction with WebElement
DriverSupport support = new DriverSupport(driver);
Rapid Data Entry Object (Wrapper on DriverSupport Class)
DriverAction action = new DriverAction(driver);
SendKeys, SelectDropdownOption & SelectRadioButton using DriverAction (all One-liner)
action.setText(Locator.Name, "first_name", "Sourav");
action.selectDropdownOption(Locator.Name, "state", "Texas");
action.selectRadioOption(Locator.Name, "hosting", "No");
support.jsClick(Locator.Xpath, "//button[@type='submit']");
Take Screenshot easily
Dump all page elements
new KnowElements(driver).fetchBot();
Find a WebElement or perform an action quickly using Locator enum and :
By byElement = support.customLocator(Locator.IdStartWith, "Quote");
Check if Element present in dom
boolean isElement = support.isElement(byElement);
Click on the element if present
CustomWait object handle different types of wait on WebElement, iFrame and WindowsHandle
CustomWait wait = new CustomWait(driver);
Wait up-to specified seconds for a element and return boolean status
boolean status;
status = wait.explicitWait(8, byElement);
status = wait.waitForInvisibilityOfElement(5, Locator.IdContains, "Partial_id_of_element");
status = wait.waitForStalenessOfElement(5, Locator.Xapth, "XPath_of_element");