A Winston transport for PostgreSQL.
npm install winston-postgresql
Example usage:
var winston = require("winston");
var logger = new (winston.Logger)();
logger.add("PostgreSQL", {
// Required: A connection string or connection object, passed through to `pg.js` module
"connString": "user:pw@localhost:5432/db",
// Required: Specify either `customSQL` or a `tableName`
// `customSQL`: A custom SQL statement that takes 3 parameters:
// $1: level
// $2: message
// $3: metadata
"customSQL": "select custom_logging_function($1, $2, $3)",
// `tableName`: the name of a table with the following columns: level, message, metadata
// - See the winston_logs.sql script for an example table definition.
// - Specifying `tableName` will override `customSQL`.
"tableName": "winston_logs",
// Optional: A logging level, defaults to "info"
"level": "error"
© Jeffrey Yang, MIT