WatchFlix is a clone of the media-streaming Titan Netflix. WatchFlix allows users to view Movies and TV Shows at their leisure.Each User also has the ability to add Movies/Tv Shows to his/hers list which is unique to that user. It is built using Ruby on Rails for the backend, PostgreSQL for the database, and React & Redux for the frontend. The website is hosted on Heroku while the media is stored on AWS.
Check me out: WatchFlix
React and Redux on the frontend, Ruby on Rails in the backend, PostgreSQL database and Hosted on Heroku
- Frontend and Backend User Authentication
- Demo login
- Main video upon login autoplays and can be muted/unmuted on the index page
- CRUD functionality allowing user to add and remove from MyList
- Movies are split up into genres with the ability for the user to play the video on hover
- Videos can be played on a fullscreen video player
- Users can navigate to different links on the navbar which display different categories such as Movies & TV Shows
- Making the website mobile friendly
- adding a drop down with movie/show info.
- Fixing any remaining bugs
- seeding more data