Will output the startup and shutdown time for each day in the past and calculate the uptime. I use this to track my worktimes in the office.
Disclaimer: Works only with Windows for now and assumes that the computer is always shutdown before 00:00!
> go-worktime-collector.exe 10
searching eventlog for last 10 days... found 16264 entries
09. December 2018
15:43 — 20:41
total: 3.97h
08. December 2018
08:15 — 23:40
total: 15.42h
07. December 2018
18:48 — 22:43
total: 3.92h
05. December 2018
18:20 — 23:56
total: 5.60h
04. December 2018
17:04 — 20:11
total: 3.13h
02. December 2018
16:21 — 21:25
total: 5.08h