Vim/Neovim plugin for the taxi timesheeting tool that makes your life easier
- Syntax highlighting
- Alias completion when adding a new line
- Output of the balance every time the timesheet gets saved
- Aligning the timesheet entries
- Automatic async update of the aliases
Make sure you have vim in incompatible mode. Add the following lines to your ~/.config/nvim/config
or ~/.vimrc
set nocompatible
filetype plugin on
Simply add this repository to your plugin manager, e.g. dein:
call dein#add('schtibe/taxi.vim')
If you don't have one, put the content of the folders in your vim configuration folder:
- ~/.config/nvim/syntax
- ~/.config/nvim/ftplugin
- ~/.config/nvim/ftdetect
- ~/.vim/syntax
- ~/.vim/ftplugin
- ~/.vim/ftdetect
To complete the aliases use vim's omnicomplete functionality:
Start typing a word, then hit CTRL-x
and CTRL-o
consecutively to complete
it. The completion is automatically spawned when adding a new line.
I did not write the syntax file, so thanks to whoever wrote it and contributed to it. To me it made sense to include this here to have a single point of vim taxi functionality.
Edit the syntax/taxi.vim file, then add a new line containing a regular expression for the date format, like
syn match date "^\d\+/\d\+/\d\d"
and make a pull request if you think it is a commonly used date format that should be covered by the syntax file.