This repository contains a script that will automatically install OpenStack Grizzly with Quantum networking onto VirtualBox VMs using Ansible and Vagrant. It is a modification of Lorin Hochstein's for Folsom that used networking from Nova. The configuration is described in vms/Vagrantfile and there is a diagram [here] (
About 3GB of free RAM
Ansible >= v1.1
$ sudo pip install paramiko PyYAML Jinja2 ansible
Vagrant (tested on 1.0.7)
VirtualBox (tested on 4.2.10-84104 on Ubuntu 12.10 Desktop)
vagrant box add precise64
git clone
cd quantum-ansible
It takes about 15 minutes and the dashboard should be available at ( Also the controller has the Nova, Quantum and Cinder CLIs.
cd vms; vagrant ssh controller
vagrant@controller:~$ ls /vagrant
admin.openrc openrc Vagrantfile
vagrant@controller:~$ source /vagrant/openrc
vagrant@controller:~$ nova list