To use this TA with Enterprise Security some configuration is required. Datamodel acceleration at scale requires from the deployment that data is assigned to indexes by it's cardinality. As Sourcetype is assigned by input in Splunk there are 2 ways achieving this split. One is using transforms.conf in conjuction with a props.conf, the other is by having an intermediate like a syslog server do the splitting into files. A UF can assign sourcetype input.
If you want to use this add-on on a single instance, with full CIM compatability follow these steps:
Download transforms.conf-single and rename to transforms.conf.
Download props.conf-single and rename to props.conf.
This file holds the configuration which rewrites the sourcetype based on a patern match, and routes the traffic to the correct index. Place transforms.conf in the ta-ubiquiti/local directory. Place props.conf in the ta-ubiquiti/local directory.
Download and install the ubqt_indexes.tar
Restart splunk
In the UI navigate to Settings -> Data Inputs Add a new input for UDP Enter the port which you would like to receive the data on Select any ubqt sourcetype ie ubqt:fw, change settings to your liking with the exception of indexes. Or manually create inputs.conf
[udp://8514] connection_host = ip sourcetype = ubqt index=ubqt
For deployment with a syslog server the recomendation is to use a Universal forwarder on your rsyslog or syslog-ng server. Have the syslog server write a file per sourcetype and have the UF assign the sourcetype to the specific logs. More information will follow.