Implementation of A Parallel Spatial Co-location Mining Algorithm Based on MapReduce paper
A spatial colocation pattern is a set of features that co-occur in space. For example, two crimes, say Robbery and Assault, would form a colocation pattern if they are reported together at many places. Think of spatial colocation pattern mining as association rule mining in the spatial domain.
- Download and setup Scala, Hadoop (with HDFS) and HBase for versions given here.
- Refer this for sample values for Hadoop and HBase configurations in pseudo distributed mode and this for some known issues when setting up HBase.
- Start Hadoop using
and HBase using$HBASE_HOME/bin/
. - Verify that Hadoop and HBase are working propery by opening http://localhost:50070/ and http://localhost:16010/ respectively.
- Copy
and populate values. - Run
mvn clean install
in project folder.
- Obtain an application token from Socrata portal and copy it to
field inreference.conf
. - Copy schema from
. - Run
python scripts/scrapper/
- Run
scala -cp target/uber-locis-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar com.github.locis.apps.DataLoader <input_path_to_write_raw_data>
- If no path is provided, it writes to
- A very small dataset (6 rows) can be found in
file. The file can be used for testing the different MapReduce tasks without having to download the socrata dataset. - Add the file to hdfs using the put command
$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hdfs dfs -put <path_to_locis>/sampleData/data <input_path_to_write_raw_data>
and proceed to run MapReduce tasks.
- Run
$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop jar target/uber-locis-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar com.github.locis.apps.NeighborSearch <input_path_to_read_raw_data> <output_path_to_write_neighbors>
- Run
$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop jar target/uber-locis-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar com.github.locis.apps.NeighborGrouping <input_path_to_read_neighbors> <output_path_to_write_neighbor_groups>
- Run
$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop jar target/uber-locis-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar com.github.locis.apps.CountInstance <input_path_to_read_neighbor_groups> <output_path_to_write_instance_count>
- Run
$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop jar target/uber-locis-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar com.github.locis.apps.PatternSearch <input_path_to_read_neighbor_groups> <output_path_to_write_prevalence_scores> <size_of_colocation>
Note that for running colocation pattern search task for size k, the results for size 1 to k-1 should already be in the db. So to find colocation patterns of size k, run the script for 1 to k and not just k. This task can be easily automated using a bash script.