clshow is a clojure library for showing class members infomation. clshow use paranamer to extract parameter name of methods, and print all members infomation in a nice format.
;Add the following dependency to your project.clj file:
[clshow "1.0.1"]
;and in your clj code
(ns my.ns
(:require [clshow.core :refer :all]))
;or customize clshow in your ~/.lein/profiles.clj
:dependencies [[clshow "1.0.1"]]
:repl-options { :init (do
(require 'clshow.core)
(clshow.core/set-jdk-doc-loc! ( "/Users/admin/"))) }
;if no local zip provided, clshow will use online javadoc location as default
(set-jdk-doc-loc! (File. "/Users/admin/"))
(show (io/file "aa.txt"))
(show String)
(show "str-value")
; ======== fields ==========
; ======== methods ==========
; char charAt(int index)
; int codePointAt(int index)
; int codePointBefore(int index)
; String concat(String str)
; boolean contentEquals(StringBuffer sb)
; boolean endsWith(String suffix)
; String format(Locale arg0,String arg1,Object[] arg2)
; String format(String arg0,Object[] arg1)
; .....
Copyright © 2016 shrek wang
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.