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Developing low Mach number channel flow with radiative heat transfer. Heterogeneous CUDA/Fortran code with MPI and GPU parallelization
the spectral discretization is produced by the narrow band correlated-k code found in
nbcorrk (self standing program)
second order fully staggered.
Source code in src/dns
Requires an installation of decomp2d for 2D parallelization
parameters in src/param/param.txt
imaxjmaxkmax --> domain size (in x-, y- and z-direction, respectively)
p_col --> column discretization of the DNS code,
p_row --> row discretization of the DNS code,
Source code in src/montecarlo
parameters in src/param/param.h and src/param/NarrowBand.h
runs on p_col*num_gpu GPUs in p_col nodes
imaxjmaxkmax --> domain size (in x-, y- and z-direction, respectively)
num_gpu --> number of GPUs available in one node
p_col --> column discretization of the DNS code, must match with the number of nodes employed!
Lx, Ly, Lz --> length of the domain
fact_mesh --> parameter for grid streching in x-direction
nVar --> number of independent MC runs for variance calculation (set to 1 if variance on a particular grid has already been assessed)
photmax --> number of statistical sampled per cell in one MC run
grid_num --> number of coarsened grids employed for MC simulations The mesh dimension are specified in maxi[],maxj[],maxk[] each mesh should be an integer multiple of its coarser version
maxs[] --> number of steps employed in each grid the last one should be large enought to ensure total absorption
num_steams --> number of streams used for the domain MC routine should divide exactly imax
num_steams --> number of streams used for the surface MC routine should divide exactly jmax
blockdim --> thread number in a block. keep it an integer multiple of the warpsize (32)
nblocks --> minimum number of blocks employed. The actual number of blocks used is calculated as MIN(nblocks, Domain/blockdim)
srt --> if equal to 1 it triggers the narrow-band sorting procedure
grey --> if equal to 1 ignores the narrow-band formulation and performs a grey gas MC simulation
calcwalls --> if equal to 1 (with at least one of the adiab option enabled) calculates the radiative heat flux at the enables wall with a grey/narrow-band OERMC formulation
floatpoint --> if equal to 1 single precision, if equal to 0 double precision texture memory is not yet implemented in double precision, thus always keep this equal to 1 (if want to change to 0 the memory_copy.cu file needs an update). Advisable anyway equal to 1 for speed related issues. If a higher accuracy is required, it is advised to increase photmax.
epsx --> emissivity of wall x (where x=w,e,n,s,t,b) w,e: west , east (i=0,i=imax+1) t,b: top , bottom (k=0,k=kmax+1) n,s: north, south (j=0,j=jmax+1)
Twx --> temperature of wall x Used only if adiabx == 0
adiabx --> if equal to 1, then Twx is taken from the temperature field and is not a parameter. At least one among w,e should be 1 to enable the calculation of radiative heat flux at the walls
toll,tollS --> tollerances for ray marching for domain and surface, respectively (higher than 1e-3 is not advisable)
bdx --> flag for boundary condition for wall x 1 : periodic wall 2 : black wall 3 : specularly reflecting wall 4 : adiabatic black wall conditions (implemented only for outlet) 5 : lost ray (temperature equal to the emitter)
The constraints on the parameters are:
- imax must be an integer multiple of num_streams
- jmax must be a multiple integer of num_gpu
- kmax must be a multiple integer of p_col
- if wall radiative flux is to be calculated (calcwalls==1) then jmax must be also an integer multiple of num_strS
- num_strS must be smaller than num_streams