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  @page End_Node Readme file
  * @file    End_Node/readme.txt 
  * @author  MCD Application Team
  * @brief   This application is a simple demo of a LoRa Object connecting to 
  *          a LoRa Network. 
  * Copyright (c) 2018 STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.
  * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
  * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
  * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:

@par Example Description

This directory contains a set of source files that implements a simple demo of an end 
device also known as a LoRa Object connecting to a Lora Network. The LoRa Object can be 
   - either a STM32LXxx-Nucleo board and Lora Radio expansion board, optionnally a sensor board. 
   - or a B-L072Z-LRWAN1 (available soon)
By setting the LoRa Ids in comissioning.h file according to the LoRa Network requirements, 
the end device will send periodically the sensor data to the LoRa network.

@par Directory contents 

  - End_Node/LoRaWAN/App/inc/bsp.h               Header for bsp.c
  - End_Node/LoRaWAN/App/inc/Commissioning.h     End device commissioning parameters
  - End_Node/LoRaWAN/App/inc/debug.h             interface to debug functionally
  - End_Node/LoRaWAN/App/inc/hw.h                group all hw interface
  - End_Node/LoRaWAN/App/inc/hw_conf.h           file to manage Cube SW family used and debug switch
  - End_Node/LoRaWAN/App/inc/hw_gpio.h           Header for hw_gpio.c
  - End_Node/LoRaWAN/App/inc/hw_msp.h               Header for driver hw msp module
  - End_Node/LoRaWAN/App/inc/hw_rtc.h            Header for hw_rtc.c
  - End_Node/LoRaWAN/App/inc/hw_spi.h            Header for hw_spi.c
  - End_Node/LoRaWAN/App/inc/utilities_conf.h    configuration for utilities
  - End_Node/LoRaWAN/App/inc/vcom.h              interface to vcom.c
  - End_Node/LoRaWAN/App/inc/version.h           version file
  - End_Node/Core/inc/stm32lXxx_hal_conf.h       Library Configuration file
  - End_Node/Core/inc/stm32lXxx_hw_conf.h        Header for stm32lXxx_hw_conf.c
  - End_Node/Core/inc/stm32lXxx_it.h             Header for stm32lXxx_it.c
  - End_Node/LoRaWAN/App/src/bsp.c               manages the sensors on the application
  - End_Node/LoRaWAN/App/src/debug.c             debug driver
  - End_Node/LoRaWAN/App/src/hw_gpio.c           gpio driver
  - End_Node/LoRaWAN/App/src/hw_rtc.c            rtc driver
  - End_Node/LoRaWAN/App/src/hw_spi.c            spi driver
  - End_Node/LoRaWAN/App/src/main.c              Main program file
  - End_Node/LoRaWAN/App/src/vcom.c              virtual com port interface on Terminal
  - End_Node/Core/src/stm32lXxx_hal_msp.c        stm32lXxx specific hardware HAL code
  - End_Node/Core/src/stm32lXxx_hw.c             stm32lXxx specific hardware driver code
  - End_Node/Core/src/stm32lXxx_it.c             stm32lXxx Interrupt handlers
@par Hardware and Software environment 

  - This example runs on STM32L053R8, STM32L073RZ, STM32L152RE and STM32L476RG devices.
  - This application has been tested with STMicroelectronics:
    NUCLEO-L053R8 RevC
    NUCLEO-L073RZ RevC
    NUCLEO-L152RE RevC
    NUCLEO-L476RG RevC	
    B-L072Z-LRWAN1 RevC
    boards and can be easily tailored to any other supported device 
    and development board.

  - STM32LXxx-Nucleo Set-up    
    - Connect the Nucleo board to your PC with a USB cable type A to mini-B 
      to ST-LINK connector (CN1 / CN7 on B-L072Z-LRWAN1).
    - Please ensure that the ST-LINK connector CN2 (CN8 on B-L072Z-LRWAN1) jumpers are fitted.
  -Set Up:

             --------------------------  V    V  --------------------------
             |      LoRa Object       |  |    |  |      LoRa Netork       |
             |                        |  |    |  |                        |
   ComPort<--|                        |--|    |--|                        |-->Web Server
             |                        |          |                        |
             --------------------------          --------------------------

@par How to use it ? 
In order to make the program work, you must do the following :
  - Open your preferred toolchain 
  - Rebuild all files and load your image into target memory
  - Run the example
  - Open two Terminals, each connected the respective LoRa Object
  - Terminal Config = 115200, 8b, 1 stopbit, no parity, no flow control ( in src/vcom.c)
 * <h3><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics</center></h3>


For TGR2020 Quiz Before Camp






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