- Run on a freshly installed server under root!
- Make sure you don't rely on sudo, you'll get locked out as it will be wiped during the cleaning process!
Operating Systems:
- Debian 7 (Wheezy) i686
- Debian 7 (Wheezy) x86_64
- OpenVZ
- Physical Hardware
- Virtualbox
- VMware
- Xen HVM
Download the script with the following command:
cd ~; wget --no-check-certificate -O minimal.tar.gz http://www.github.com/koroban/Minimal/tarball/master; tar zxvf minimal.tar.gz; cd *Minimal*
You must run this script with options. They are outlined below:
- For a minimal Dropbear based install:
./minimal.sh dropbear
- For a minimal Dropbear (without sftp support) based install:
./minimal.sh dropbear_only
- For a minimal OpenSSH based install:
./minimal.sh ssh
- To install extra packages defined in the extra file:
./minimal.sh extra
- To set the clock, clean files and create a user:
./minimal.sh configure
- cedr @ daIRC: General Help
- DPKG Cleaning: http://www.coredump.gr/linux/debian-package-list-backup-and-restore/
- miTgiB @ daIRC: Script Help
- SSH Limiting: http://www.hostingfu.com/article/ssh-dictionary-attack-prevention-with-iptables/