A Kubernetes Webhook Token Authenticator service that provides group information to authentication requests.
Before deploying Cleathitch, modify k8s/ch-configmap.yaml file to point to the appropriate Identity Provider and lookup information to gather group information for user requests.
NOTE: At the moment Cleathitch only supports:
kubectl create namespace Cleathitch
Deploy the Cleathitch NodePort Service:
kubectl -n Cleathitch apply -f k8s/ch-svc.yaml
The Kuberentes API requires all communication with is secured. To facilitate this a TLS key and cert will need to be created that the API server cert trusts. If a trusted TLS cert already exists that points to every node the cluster via an IP SAN field, feel free to skip the following steps. To create a self-signed certificate that the API server trusts:
Copy a valid SSL configuration file so it can be modified:
cp /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf /tmp/openssl.cnf
Modify /tmp/openssl.cnf to include:
- In the
[ req ]
section include:req_extensions = v3_req
- In the
[ v3_req ]
section include both:basicConstraints = CA:TRUE
- Add the following as a section:
- In the
[ alternate_names ]
NOTE: Add each worker node's IP address as an IP alternate name.
Using the SSL config defined above create an SSL signing cert using a CA trusted by the Kubernetes API server:
- If the Kubernetes cluster was created using
a tursted CA cert can most likely be found at/etc/kubernetes/pki
on one of the Control Plane nodes. - Otherwise a trusted CA could most likely be found at
on one of the Control Plane nodes.
- If the Kubernetes cluster was created using
Create a SSL Key:
openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
Create a SSL Signing Request:
openssl req -new -key tls.key -out tls.csr -config /tmp/openssl.cnf
Create the Self Signed Certificate:
openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in tls.csr -signkey tls.key -out tls.crt -CA /var/lib/kubernetes/ca.pem -CAkey /var/lib/kubernetes/ca-key.pem -CAcreateserial -extensions v3_req -extfile /tmp/openssl.cnf
Create a directory to store the webhook config file and SSL certificates:
mkdir /etc/kubernetes/webhook
Copy the SSL certs created above into this new directory:
cp tls* /etc/kubernetes/webhook/
Copy the Webhook config into the webhook directory:
cp k8s/ch-webhook.yaml /etc/kubernetes/webhook
Modify the Cleathitch Webhook config file:
Modify the
line to point to the Cleathitch NodePort service. -
to point to the certificate authority used to create the Cleathitch SSL cert. -
NOTE: The Webhook directory and all of its contents must exist on every API Server node.
Create a secret containing a TLS certificate and it's key.
kubectl create secret generic cleathitchsecret --from-file=<PATH TO TLS CERT>/tls.cert --from-file=<PATH TO TLS KEY>/tls.key
- NOTE: Cleathitch currently expects the TLS cert and key to be named
Modify the Cleathitch Config map file to include:
apiVersion: v1
config.yaml: |
ldapHost: <LDAP Hostname to use for searching>
ldapPort: <LDAP Port to use when communicating with LDAP>
bindDN: <Username to use when searching the LDAP server>
bindPW: <Password to use when searching the LDAP server>
baseDN: <base DN to use when searching for users>
filter: <Filter to use to define user objects. Examples: `(objectClass: user)`, `(objectClass: posixAccount)`>
idAttr: <LDAP Attribute to use when searching for users, defaults to `sAMAccountName`>
emailAttr: <OPTIONAL - NOT CURRENTLY USED - Attribute to use for email addresses>
groupsAttr: <Attribute to use to gather group names. Defaults to `memberOf`>
baseDN: <base DN to use when searching for groups>
filter: <Filter to use to define user objects. Examples: `(objectClass: group)`, `(objectClass: groupOfNames)`>
nameAttr: <LDAP Attribute to use to return in the authentication token>
kind: ConfigMap
name: cleathitch
Apply the Cleathitch ConfigMap:
kubectl -n cleathitch apply -f k8s/ch-configmap.yaml
Deploy the Cleathitch App:
kubectl -n Cleathitch apply -f k8s/ch-deploy.yaml