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Releases: solettaproject/soletta

Account for curl changes, fix some tests

21 Jul 00:29
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flow/form: add missing warning ignoring pragma section

This will help clean warnings on our build. Those truncations are
intentional, as commented before.

Signed-off-by: Gustavo Lima Chaves <[email protected]>

v2_rc1: Bump version to 2, finally.

09 Jun 22:40
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  • New netctl flow node added (as module), as well as agent API for
    that infrastructure
  • Complete overhaul of LWM2M API & implementation, now with: access
    control objects support, authorization, UDP channel security (via
    DTLS)--with simmetric or asymmetric keys--, Raw Public Key, etc. The
    API was split into multiple files (mostry client/server separation),
    and many bugs in that code were fixed.
  • MQTT module got a fix for when connecting to a broker failed
  • IIO: fix for when devices were not activated before reads take
    place, support for IIO mount matrix, support for sampling frequency
    to channel level, support for hrtimer-based trigger, support for
    multi-channel reading on devices, new C-API to read configuration
    attributes including scale, offset and sampling frequency, support
    for wildcards on IIO paths and other minor issues.
  • libmicrohttpd: the minimum required version was wrong, now fixed to
  • libmosquitto: the minimum required version was wrong, now fixed to

Release v1 - 07/20/16

20 Jul 21:50
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Soletta™ Project is a framework for making IoT devices.

With Soletta Project's libraries developers can easily write software
for devices that control actuators/sensors and communicate using
standard technologies. It enables adding smartness even on the
smallest edge devices.

Portable and scalable, it abstracts details of hardware and OS,
enabling developers to reuse their code and knowledge on
different targets.

Major features for this first stable release:

  • Communication protocols:
    • HTTP
    • OIC
    • MQTT
    • LWMWM
    • CoAP
  • Input / Output supported
    • GPIO
    • AIO
    • I2C
    • SPI
    • UART
    • PWM
    • IIO
  • Services
    • System update
  • Flow based programming layer
  • Supported OSes (some features are exclusive for specific OSes, check for details):
    • Linux
    • Zephyr
    • RIOT
    • Contiki
  • Supported boards:
    • Intel Edison (Linux)
    • Intel Galileo Gen 2 (Linux)
    • Minnowboard Max (Linux)
    • Quark SE Dev Board (Zephyr)
    • Atmel SAMR21 Xplained Pro (RIOT)
    • Raspberry Pi (Linux)

The V1 release presents a stable C API for most of the features, with
a few expections listed below. They're under an experimental phase
and changes on them may happen on future releases:

  • Bluetooth
  • GATT
  • LWM2M
  • Mavlink
  • Netctl

Changes in this release - 2954 commits
Issues resolved in this release - 269 closed tickets

Full release note

v1_beta20 - 07/06/2016

06 Jul 17:57
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  • Lots of changes on C API, leading to a more uniform interface across all different parts (I/O, communication protocols, ...)
  • Node types related to robotics were added
  • A couple tools were created to help debugging I/O (sol-aio and sol-gpio)
  • Many samples for Nodejs bindings were merged
  • Support to node type aliases
  • Improvements on sol-oic-gen to better support OCF data models
  • Introduced sol-bluetooth and sol-gatt API
  • Support HTTPS on http-server
  • Zephyr IPM (mailbox) support
  • Implement persistence for Zephyr
  • Connections management support (sol-netctl)
  • LWM2M bootstrap interface implemented
  • Tons of new tests, samples and fixes

v1_beta19 - 04/22/2016

22 Apr 23:04
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  • Add JS API for SPI, I2C
  • Add simple JSON types as HTTP node types
  • Make IIO device creation/addressing synchronous
  • Many fixes on OIC generator
  • Add API to discovery OIC resources using resource interface
  • Make OIC device IDs and resource structure compatible with IoTivity 1.1 RC3

v1_beta18 - 04/11/2016

11 Apr 21:44
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  • Changes on CoAP implementation improving memory-efficiency
  • Provide node types for a lot of OIC resources data models
  • Many changes on LWM2M API in order to have a more consistent API for all communication protocols
  • Added API to server side events on http-server with samples. It was supported on http-client as well.
  • Updated GPIO implementation for Zephyr considering changes on its API
  • Implemented sol-network and sol-socket for Zephyr
  • GPIO, AIO, PWM and UART bindings for Node.js
  • Added web inspector to sol-fbp-runner
  • Dependencies of samples were fixed
  • RIOT I/O implementation was updated to match API changes
  • Fix OIC to deal with cases where IPv4 isn't enabled

v1_beta17 - 03/30/2016

30 Mar 20:21
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  • Node.js OIC bindings implemented
  • Added support for secure OIC connections using pre shared certs
  • Fixes on OIC / tinydtls socket
  • Tutorial on docs
  • RGB and direction-vector persistence nodes created
  • Many minor API changes (function / struct names to follow convention)

v1_beta16 - 03/15/2016

15 Mar 23:40
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  • Fixes on HTTP implementation regarding IPv6
  • Fixed pin mux issue when using Edison without the arduino board
  • Single node support - so it’s possible to have a single node without an associated flow. Useful when you need to access a component, send packets to its input ports manually and be notified when it's sending packets on its output ports.
  • Support running Soletta using Zephyr’s nanokernel (not only microkernel)
  • Reduced memory consumption by CoAP - LWM2M samples are running fine on RIOT
  • Increased amount of node types supported by GTK (simulation)

v1_beta15 - 03/03/2016

03 Mar 23:12
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  • Support I/O on Zephyr OS
  • LWM2M protocol support added
  • Basic infrastructure added for Node.js bindings
  • Added support to STTS751 temperature sensor
  • Light sensor category added to Linux IIO
  • Added many IIO node samples
  • Improvement on sockets API
  • Some fixes on I/O implementations
  • Update and fix all board samples (Minnow, Edison and Galileo)
  • Several fixes on OIC implementation
  • Reviewed structs for holes and checks for struct versions on exposed API

v1_beta14 - 01/26/2016

26 Jan 19:20
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  • many iio node types added
  • 100% C API covered by docs
  • mavlink support added
  • oic payload compatible with iotivity 1.0.1
  • more platforms supported by builder: galileo, minnow, contiki
  • many fixes