v1.2.0 - 2019-04-12
New features:
- Find Step Definition Usages (Ctrl B,F) - Can be invoked from the context menu of a binding class. Supports finding usages of
a step definition of a shared step definition project; allows showing the results in the output window as well. - Collapsable outlining for feature files
- Regenerate All Feature File Code-behind command (on the context menu of the project)
- Filter auto-completion list according to entered phrase (Issue #16)
Bug fixes:
- Deveroom fails to discover step definitions when App.config does not contain a node (Issue #24)
- Error while building the project - Unable to copy file "obj\Debug..." to "bin\Debug..." (Issue #26)
- Dialogs are not in the center of the screen (Issue #17)
- No info links provided in the VS extension details (Issue #18)
- Improve error diagnostics