This is a fpga based rtc, temperature, oled, buzzer implementation. This design has only few ios and the code is very easy to port to other fpgas. This code is a hack (no cleanup) and was a fun project to learn fpga hacking.
Needs only i2c pins, interrupt pin from rtc clock, buzzer and 2 button pins.
sda <-> with sda of rtc clock and oled also need a pullup 4.7k
scl <-> with scl of rtc clock and oled also need a pullup 4.7k
btn0 <-> on fpga or take a button, configure pin as input with pullup
btn1 <-> on fpga or take a button, configure pin as input with pullup
led <-> you can remove
int_ <-> to rtc clock int/sqw with 4.7k pullup
speaker <-> take buzzer wit 100 ohm in series to output pin
- btn0 jumps into the setup menu.
- btn1 will increase attributtes in setup menu.
- btn1 enable/disables alarm clock in idle screen (sign will shown). During alarm btn1 will silence the buzzer.
Parts you need are:
- ds3231 rtc clock
- sdd1306 128x32 bw oled display
- buzzer
- fpga with blockram for framebuffer and pla tables
This reference implementation is on ice40 based blackicemx
just build via make -f Makefile.blackicemx clean && make -f Makefile.blackicemx && make -f Makefile.blackicemx prog
Have fun Hirosh