* Yaar means friend *
Yaar is an attempt to independently implement an interface that loosly resembels that of Haskell's Servant
web framework.
If you are not aware of Servant
, what this interface enables you (among other things) is the auto generation of api spec that is gauranteed (by the type checker) to be in sync with the actual implementation.
Please see the test/Spec.hs
file in this repo to see a sample app.
Each endpoint/route in a Yaar application has its own type. This type specifies the kinds of inputs the route can accept, the types and possible encodings for those inputs, the output type and the possible encodings for the output. The type for a route can look something like this.
"home" :> "profile" :> "bio" :> (GET '[HTML] Text)
This type represents an endpoint that will be available via a GET request at url "home/profile/bio" that returns a Text
value in HTML
The '[HTML]
is a type level list, that can contain more than one type, and so a single endpoint can return data in multiple formats.
For example, the following endpoint can return data in both HTML and XML formats.
"home" :> "profile" :> "bio" :> (GET '[HTML, XML] Text)
Note that while HTML
is shipped with Yaar, XML
is not. Anyway, the important point to note here is that the handler does not have to
bother with the actual format that is contained in the response, and Yaar only expect handler to return a value of type Text
. The final encoding
and constructor of the response is handled by itself. It does this by looking at the Accept
header in the request, and encodes the response in a matching format.
Multiple endpoints can be combined using the <|>
type operator forming the type of the complete app.
type AppType
= "home" :> "profile" :> "bio" :> (GET '[HTML] Text)
<|> "home" :> "profile" :> "contact" :> (GET '[HTML] Text)
Now, you have to implement actual handlers for these endpoints. By default Yaar handlers run in IO
. So both of the handlers for our App will be functions of type IO Text
. Once we have the handler functions, we combine them using the <|>
function to make the complete app as follows.
appHandlers :: Server AppType IO
= bioHandler
<|> contactHandler
You can see the type which represents the entire app (AppType
here) referenced here in the signature. Thus if there is a mismatch between your endpoint types and the handlers, you will get a type error here.
And we finally make a wai
from our handlers and handler types using the serve
function as shown below.
app :: Application
app = serve (Proxy :: Proxy AppType) appHandlers (\_ _ -> pure ()) Nothing
The last argument here is an function that creates an environment derived from the incoming request, for the handlers to execute. By default our handlers run in IO, and does not require an environment to run and thus we are passing the empty tuple as the environment.
{-# Language OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# Language TypeOperators #-}
{-# Language DataKinds #-}
{-# Language DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# Language MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# Language TypeFamilies #-}
import Yaar
import Data.Text
import Data.Proxy
type AppType
= "home" :> "profile" :> "bio" :> (GET '[HTML] Text)
<|> "home" :> "profile" :> "contact" :> (GET '[HTML] Text)
bioHandler :: IO Text
bioHandler = pure "This is my Bio"
contactHandler :: IO Text
contactHandler = pure "This is my contact info"
appHandlers :: Server AppType IO
= bioHandler
<|> contactHandler
app :: Application
app = serve (Proxy :: Proxy AppType) appHandlers (\_ _ -> pure ()) Nothing
main = run 4000 app
That is it.
If you want to add a header with name "MyHeaderName" with value "MyHeaderValue", to an endpoint that return a value of type String
that is, let our endpoint without the header be
"request" :> "with" :> "header" :> (GET '[PlainText] String)
To change this type to accomodate our header, modify the String
in the last segment to wrap in the ResponseHeader
that is, change GET '[PlainText] String
to GET '[PlainText] (ResponseHeader ["MyHeaderName"] String)
"request" :> "with" :> "header" :> (GET '[PlainText] (ResponseHeader ["MyHeaderName"] String))
Now we have to add the actual header from our handler. Let this be our handler without the header.
handlerWithHeader :: IO String
handlerWithHeader = pure "abc"
To add the header to this handler, add the final value that is being returned in a ResponseHeader
using the addHeader
handlerWithHeader :: IO String
handlerWithHeader = pure $ addHeader (Proxy :: Proxy "MyHeaderName") "MyHeaderValue" "abc"
Note that the header name is provided again in the handler. If the header name you provide in handler differs from the one in the endpoint type, it will be a type error.
You can include as many headers you want by including the header names in the type level list of header names in the endpoint type, and wrapping the return
value using addHeader
function as many times as required. The order in which you wrap the return value in ResponseHeader
must match the order in which they
are provided in the endpoint type.
For example, here is how you add two headers to the endpoint
"request" :> "with" :> "header" :> (GET '[PlainText] (ResponseHeader ["MyHeaderName", "MyHeaderName2"] String))
handlerWithHeader :: IO String
handlerWithHeader = pure $
addHeader (Proxy :: Proxy "MyHeaderName") "MyHeaderValue" $
addHeader (Proxy :: Proxy "MyHeaderName2") "MyHeaderValue2" $"abc"
Use the type QueryParam
in the type of the url as shown below
"home" :> "post" :> QueryParam "id" Text :> (GET '[PlainText] String)
The above use of QueryParam
sets the endpoint handler to recieve a Text
passed via url in form /home/post?id=asdf
. The type that is being recieved, (here Text
should be an instance of FromHttpApiData typeclass in http-api-data package.
The handler for this endpoint must accept a Maybe Text
as its argument. It is a Maybe
because the route could be accessed without the query parameter.
handlerPostQueryParam :: Maybe Text -> IO String
handlerPostQueryParam (Just postId) = return $ "Post " ++ (unpack postId)
Use the type UrlParam
in the type of the url as shown below
"home" :> "post" :> UrlParam "id" Text :> (GET '[PlainText] String)
The above use of UrlParam
sets the endpoint handler to recieve a Text
passed via url in form /home/post/id/my-new-post
. The type that is being recieved, (here Text
should be an instance of FromHttpApiData typeclass in http-api-data package.
The handler for this endpoint must accept a Text
as its argument.
handlerPost :: Text -> IO String
handlerPost postId = return $ "Post " ++ (unpack postId)
Use the type SegmentParam
in the type of the url as shown below
"home" :> "post" :> SegmentParam Text :> (GET '[PlainText] String)
The above use of SegmentParam
sets the endpoint handler to recieve a Text
passed via url in form /home/post/my-new-post
. The type that is being recieved, (here Text
should be an instance of FromHttpwApiData typeclass in http-api-data package.
The handler for this endpoint must accept a Text
as its argument.
handlerPost :: Text -> IO String
handlerPost postId = return $ "Post " ++ (unpack postId)
Use the type ReqBody
in the endpoint type as shown below.
"home" :> "profile" :> "resume" :> "add" :> ReqBody '[JSON] Resume :> (POST '[JSON] Resume)
The above use of ReqBody
enables the endpoint to get a value of type
format in the body of the POST request. The type that is being recieved, (here Resume
should have a FromJSON
The handler must be a function with an argument of type Resume
handlerAddResume :: Resume -> IO Resume
handlerAddResume r = return $ r
Use the type RequestHeader
in the endpoint type as shown below.
"request" :> "with" :> "input" :> "header" :> RequestHeader "input-header" Text :> GET '[PlainText] String
The above use of ReqBody
enables the endpoint to get a value of type
format in the body of the POST request.
The handler must be a function with an argument of type Text
(because that is what is specified by RequestHeader "input-header" Text
in url's type).
The type that is being recieved, (here Text
) should be an instance of FromHttpwApiData typeclass in http-api-data package.
handlerHeaderInput :: Text -> IO String
handlerHeaderInput headerInput = return $ "Header value = " ++ (unpack headerInput)
Output formats are handled via two typeclasses ContentType
and Encodable
. They are defined as
class ContentType a where
getContentType :: Proxy a -> Maybe ByteString
doesMatch :: Proxy a -> (Maybe ByteString) -> Bool
class Encodable format a where
encode :: a -> Proxy format -> ByteString
The ContentType
's getContentType
function allows you to specify the mime type for your format. The doesMatch
function allows user to implement
custom logic while matching the Accept
header in incoming request. Either one of these needs to be implemented for the instance to be minimal.
The Encodable
typeclass defines how a value of type a
can be encoded in a bytestring using the format
This is how Yaar adds support for json endpoints with JSON
instance ContentType JSON where
getContentType _ = Just "application/json"
instance (ToJSON a) => Encodable JSON a where
encode v _ = LB.toStrict $ Data.Aeson.encode $ toJSON v
That is about it.
Yaar supports JSON
data coming in RequestBody. What if you want to accept XML data coming in a request's body. The typeclasses involved here are RequestDerivable
and the ContentType
typeclass we saw earlier.
typeclass allows the user to define how a value in a certain format can be extracted from the body of the request. It is defined as follows.
class RequestDerivable a where
extract :: Request -> IO (Either Status a)
To add support for XML
, first we will create a dummy type for denoting XML
data XML
And define ContentType
and RequestDerivable
instances for it. Let us assume that we want to accept a value of type User
coming in xml format.
instance ContentType XML where
getContentType _ = Just "application/xml"
instance RequestDerivable (ReqBody XML User) where
extract req = do
body <- lazyRequestBody req -- this is a function from Wai package that is re-exported by Yaar
user <- do
-- code to decode xml and create
-- a value of type User from it
pure $ Right user
By default Yaar handlers run in IO
. But it is possible to make the handlers run in a different monad using the RunnableTo
class RunnableTo m1 m2 e where
runTo :: e -> m1 a -> m2 a
In the signature of runTo
function, e
is an environment value, m1
is the monad which we want the handlers to run in and m2
should be the YaarHandler
(which is just IO
for the time being) monad.
So if we want our handlers to run in Identity
monad, here is how we can do it.
instance RunnableTo Identity YaarHandler () where
runTo _ im = pure $ runIdentity im
In the above, we have used () for environment, because we don't need an environment value to run a value of type Identity
to IO
. But often you want
to use something like a Reader
monad, that requires some kind of environment to run it.
We pass the environment to the handlers via the serve
function. Actually the serve
function accepts a function that takes in a Request
and returns an environment which can be used to run the actual handler.
This can be used to implement sessions and what not.
Here is how we pass the environment creation function to the serve function.
app :: Application
app = serve (Proxy :: Proxy AppType) appHandlers $ (\r -> ())
You get basic api description that contains routes and methods, out of the box. You can integrate detailed documentation if you implement the required type class instances. A sample app with autogenerated documentation is below.
{-# Language OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# Language TypeOperators #-}
{-# Language FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# Language FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# Language DataKinds #-}
{-# Language DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# Language MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# Language TypeFamilies #-}
module Main where
import Yaar
import Data.Text
import Data.Proxy
type AppType
= "home" :> "profile" :> "bio" :> (GET '[HTML] Text)
<|> "home" :> "profile" :> "contact" :> (GET '[HTML] Text)
<|> "api" :> "schema" :> (GET '[JSON] [RouteInfoSimple])
bioHandler :: IO Text
bioHandler = pure "This is my Bio"
contactHandler :: IO Text
contactHandler = pure "This is my contact info"
appHandlers :: Server AppType IO
= bioHandler
<|> contactHandler
<|> apiDoc
appProxy :: Proxy AppType
appProxy = Proxy
app :: Application
app = serve appProxy appHandlers (\_ _ -> pure ()) Nothing
apiDoc :: IO [RouteInfoSimple]
apiDoc = pure $ toSimpleRouteInfo <$> toApiDocList appProxy
main :: IO ()
main = run 4000 app
Here we have added an endpoint that outputs the description of the api as a list of RouteInfoSimple
"api" :> "schema" :> (GET '[JSON] [RouteInfoSimple])
Here we have placed this endpoint at '/api/schema', but you are free to put it at any path that you choose.
The handler function is implemented using toSimpleRouteInfo
and toApiDocList
function exported by Yaar
, as follows.
apiDoc :: IO [RouteInfoSimple]
apiDoc = pure $ toSimpleRouteInfo <$> toApiDocList appProxy
If you access this endpoint using curl
, you will get something like this..
In the above, you can see that the routeOutput
for each end point is NULL. This is because the output type of the endpoints, ie Text
type lack a ToYaarSchema
Let us add it and see how the output changes.
{-# Language OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# Language TypeOperators #-}
{-# Language FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# Language FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# Language DataKinds #-}
{-# Language DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# Language MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# Language TypeFamilies #-}
module Main where
import Yaar
import Data.Text
import Data.Proxy
type AppType
= "home" :> "profile" :> "bio" :> (GET '[HTML] Text)
<|> "home" :> "profile" :> "contact" :> (GET '[HTML] Text)
<|> "api" :> "schema" :> (GET '[JSON] [RouteInfoSimple])
data Contact = Contact Text
instance ToYaarSchema Text where
toYaarSchema _ =
Simple $
{ schemaTypeName = "Text"
, schemaProperties = []
bioHandler :: IO Text
bioHandler = pure "This is my Bio"
contactHandler :: IO Text
contactHandler = pure "This is my contact info"
appHandlers :: Server AppType IO
= bioHandler
<|> contactHandler
<|> apiDoc
appProxy :: Proxy AppType
appProxy = Proxy
app :: Application
app = serve appProxy appHandlers (\_ _ -> pure ()) Nothing
apiDoc :: IO [RouteInfoSimple]
apiDoc = pure $ toSimpleRouteInfo <$> toApiDocList appProxy
main :: IO ()
main = run 4000 app
Now the endpoint outputs
There! The output for the endpoints that output a Text
value is no longer Null.
First let us see how a Haskell type gets converted into a bunch of string paths that the router can lookup while routing. Let the following be the type of our app. It has only two endpoints
type TestServer
= "home" :> "profile" :> "bio" :> (GET '[HTML] Text)
<|> "home" :> "profile" :> "contact" :> (GET '[HTML] Text)
The framework, by using some simple type family stuff, converts this type above to a type level list of type level strings. Then that type level list is converted to a value level list with plain old strings that represents every single route in the app.
The following is the type family that convert the url type, into a type level list.
type family ExtractUrlList a :: [[Symbol]] where
ExtractUrlList (a <|> b) = (ExtractUrl a):(ExtractUrlList b)
ExtractUrlList a = '[ExtractUrl a]
type family ExtractUrl (a :: k) :: [Symbol] where
ExtractUrl ((UrlParam s a) :> b) = s : "::param::": ExtractUrl b
ExtractUrl ((a :: Symbol) :> b) = a : ExtractUrl b
ExtractUrl (a :> b) = ExtractUrl b
ExtractUrl (GET a) = TypeError (EUMessage "GET")
ExtractUrl (HEAD a) = TypeError (EUMessage "POST")
ExtractUrl (POST a) = TypeError (EUMessage "HEAD")
ExtractUrl (PUT a) = TypeError (EUMessage "PUT")
ExtractUrl (DELETE a) = TypeError (EUMessage "DELETE")
ExtractUrl (CONNECT a) = TypeError (EUMessage "CONNECT")
ExtractUrl (OPTIONS a) = TypeError (EUMessage "OPTIONS")
ExtractUrl (PATCH a) = TypeError (EUMessage "PATCH")
ExtractUrl (CUSTOM s a) = TypeError (EUMessage "CUSTOM s")
ExtractUrl (GET _ a) = '["GET"]
ExtractUrl (HEAD _ a) = '["HEAD"]
ExtractUrl (POST _ a) = '["POST"]
ExtractUrl (PUT _ a) = '["PUT"]
ExtractUrl (DELETE _ a) = '["DELETE"]
ExtractUrl (CONNECT _ a) = '["CONNECT"]
ExtractUrl (OPTIONS _ a) = '["OPTIONS"]
ExtractUrl (PATCH _ a) = '["PATCH"]
ExtractUrl (CUSTOM s _ a) = '[s]
The type class thing that converts a type level list of symbols to a two dimensional list of strings is as follows.
class ManySymbols a where
toSymbolList :: Proxy a -> [Text]
instance ManySymbols '[] where
toSymbolList _ = []
instance (ManySymbols a, KnownSymbol x) => ManySymbols (x:a) where
toSymbolList _ = (pack $ symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy x)):(toSymbolList (Proxy :: Proxy a))
class ManySymbolLists a where
toSymbolLists :: Proxy a -> [[Text]]
instance ManySymbolLists '[] where
toSymbolLists _ = []
instance (ManySymbolLists a, ManySymbols x) => ManySymbolLists (x:a) where
toSymbolLists _ = toSymbolList (Proxy :: Proxy x) : (toSymbolLists (Proxy :: Proxy a))
So now we have the routes in a plain list. Next we need to find a way to represent a bunch of handlers as a Haskell type, and have a mechanism to match it with the type that represents bunch of routes that we made earlier. That is done by the class constraints, type family applications and types of the following function
:: forall a b e m.
( ManySymbolLists (ExtractUrlList a)
, ToHandlerStack (ToHandlers YaarHandler a)
, ExtractType b ~ m
, ToYaarHandlers b e
, RunnableTo m YaarHandler e
, Convertable (ChangeEndpoint b) (ToHandlers YaarHandler a))
=> Proxy a
-> b
-> e
-> Application
serve _ h env = application $ makeRoutes $ (toSymbolLists $ (Proxy :: Proxy (ExtractUrlList a)))
The a
in the first argument is the type of all the urls that make up the app. The second argument h
is a value that wraps all the endpoint handler functions. The type safety that make sure the handlers match the url types comes from the Haskell's type checking on these two types. The third argument env
is an environment that will be used in case of a custom end point type, to run that type into IO
The structure that wraps the handlers is like an onion, with the handler of the very first endpoint at the outer most layer (Yea, just like a list in Haskell). When a http request comes in, we look at each of our routes that is in the value level list of routes. Say we find a match at index n
. We then unwraps n
layers of our handler wrapper and there we will have the handler to handle this very request.
Yaar uses the following type class to actually execute the handlers.
class Handler a where
execute :: Request -> a -> IO Response
The type machinery in Yaar converts each of your handlers functions into functions that are instances the Handler
class. This automagically happens without any explicit instance definitions from the user.
So we will be able to run all of these handlers without having to worry about the arguments and their types as long as we have a Request
Yaar defines a type class Convertable
to generalize conversion between
two things.
class Convertable a b where
convert :: a -> b
So let us consider a simple url type and see how this plays out.
"address" :> ReqBody '[JSON] Address :> POST '[HTML] Person
Using some type families, Yaar converts this type into a function type.
ReqBody '[JSON] Address -> ResponseFormat format (IO a)
This is the actual handler that Yaar needs to execute this route. But since we don't want to bother our user with the whole ReqBody stuff, we use some more type family magic and convert it to...
Address -> IO Person
And this is what we expect from user. The conversion of this function to the function
ReqBody '[JSON] Address -> ResponseFormat format (IO a)
Is done by the generally defined instances of Convertable
typeclass some of the relavant ones are shown below here.
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Convertable a a where
convert = id
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (Convertable a b) => Convertable (b -> c) (a -> c) where
convert fn = fn.convert
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (Convertable b c) => Convertable (a -> b) (a -> c) where
convert fn = convert.fn
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (Convertable c a, Convertable b d) => Convertable (a -> b) (c -> d) where
convert fn = convert.fn.convert
instance Convertable (ReqBody s a) a where
convert (ReqBody a) = a
instance Convertable (IO a) (ResponseFormat format (IO a)) where
convert a = ResponseFormat $ a
Similar conversion is applied to the whole app type via type families enabling us to write handler functions free of framework specific types and wrappers.