These instructions will get you a copy of a Loop sample app that will download user trips generated in the Loop platform and display them.
- If you haven’t already, signup for a Loop account and create an app on the Loop Developer Site
- Get the sample app
0. Clone this sample app
0. Open it in Android Studio 0. Add your appId and appToken OnCreate
String appId = "YOUR_APP_ID";
String appToken = "YOUR_APP_TOKEN";
- Create test users in your user dashboard (user link in the left navigation)
- Fill in the userId and deviceId in OnCreate
with a test user's userId and deviceId obtained from the Loop Developer Site
String userId = "TEST_USER_USER_ID";
String deviceId = "TEST_USER_DEVICE_ID"
LoopSDK.initialize(this, appId, appToken, userId, deviceId);
- If you don't require a specific userId and deviceId you can skip the previous step and instead initialize the Loop SDK with the following line:
LoopSDK.initialize(this, appId, appToken);
- Build and run the app
After the app runs for a while you will see your user's trips and drives. This should only take a few hours but no longer than 24 hours as you move between locations.