MindPalace is a mock project created as an online Video Library focused on being that small corner of comfort for you.
Explore Mind Palace
Suggestions / Bug
- Are provided on the Login page. The user can simply login as guest and go through the flow of the app.
- ReactJS, CSS, Javascript.
- For Styling Mind Palace uses my own CSS Component Libray - "Iridescent" - Github Link: Iridescent
- React Router
- JWT for authentication
- vercel for hosting the website.
Instructions for running this code to your local system.
Open your terminal and copy below code line.
git clone https://github.com/srejitk/TheMindPalace.git
After coping link, paste into terminal and hit enter.
Then run below command . that command install all package that need to run this project.
npm install
After runing npm command, you need to create a .env file in the root directory.
and save below value into .env file
Now enter below command to run your project.
npm start
Sreejith K