- Safety > Gas cost > ROI
- permissionless deposit / withdraw
npm i
npm run compile
npm run types
cp .env.sample .env
# start ganache (used to speed up test, truffle test without ganache is slow)
npx ganache-cli
# unit test
npm run test:unit
# integration test
npm run test:integration
# test mainnet fork
source .env
npx ganache-cli \
-e 10000 \
--fork https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/$INFURA_API_KEY \
--unlock $DAI_WHALE \
--unlock $USDC_WHALE \
--unlock $USDT_WHALE \
--unlock $BUSD_WHALE \
--unlock $GUSD_WHALE \
--unlock $USDP_WHALE \
--unlock $WBTC_WHALE \
--unlock $EURS_WHALE \
--networkId 999
# restart ganache when you see this error
# Error: Returned error: Returned error: project ID does not have access to archive state
# test specific file
npx truffle test --network mainnet_fork test/mainnet/path/to/test.ts
# test all (need to restart truffle after each test)
find test/mainnet -name "test-*.ts" -exec truffle test --network mainnet_fork {} \;
npm run solhint
npm run lint
docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/code trailofbits/eth-security-toolbox
solc-select 0.6.11
cd /code
# slither analysis
slither --exclude-dependencies .
# quick review
slither . --print human-summary
slither . --print inheritance-graph
xdot contracts.dot
slither . --print contract-summary
# in-depth review
slither . --print call-graph
slither . --print cfg
slither . --print function-summary
slither . --print vars-and-auth
# save warnings / erros to ignore
slither . --triage-mode
# reset Slither
rm slither.db.json
npm run clean
npx hardhat compile
env $(cat .env) npx hardhat deploy:strategy --network mainnet --strategy StrategyGusdDai --dev true
- Deploy
set toadmin
- Deploy
Vault.approveStrategy(address of StrategyNoOp)
- Deploy, approve and set any other strategy
Vault.setTimelock(address of timeLock contract)
Vault.setAdmin(address of multi sig)
# Warning: Temporary delete any unnecessary contracts and clear the artifacts and build
# otherwise these will also be part of the verified contract.
env $(cat .env) npx hardhat verify --network mainnet DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS CONSTRUCTOR_ARG_1 CONSTRUCTOR_ARG_2 ...
npm run flat -- contracts/Contract.sol > flat.sol
cat build/contracts/Contract.json | jq -r '.deployedBytecode' | wc -c
# divide output by 2 to get size in bytes