This repo contains the code used to clean, process, and analyze the data used
in "Measuring Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Traffic Enforcement with Large
Scale Telematics Data." All figures and tables appearing in the paper were
produced by knitting the main.Rmd
R-markdown file.
Due to privacy concerns we are unable to release telematics data from Cambridge
Mobile Telematics, which are used in main.Rmd
. However, the TomTom telematics
data included in this repo are sufficient to replicate our main results.
To facilitate replication, this repository uses the renv
package to manage
package versioning.
First, from this directory, run
Rscript -e "renv::restore(rebuild = TRUE)"
to install the required packages. If installation fails, you may need to install the following additional libraries:
Finally, knit the rep.Rmd
R markdown file as follows:
Rscript -e "knitr::knit('rep.Rmd')"