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Samuel Jenness edited this page Oct 19, 2015 · 7 revisions

The following is an outline of the change statistics and other processes that must be updated at each time step for the ERGM network statistics commonly used in our research. The goal is to have an automated process for updating these given an ERGM formula, but for now this must be handled with user-defined modules.


inputs <- c(0, 1, 0) # not changed
mf$terms[[1]]$maxval <- maxdyads


not by variable

mf$terms[[3]]$maxval <- n

by variable

nodecov <- dat$attr$male
u <- sort(unique(nodecov))
nodecov <- match(nodecov, u)
ui <- seq(along = u)
inputs <- c(ui, nodecov)

outputs <- c(0, 2, length(inputs), inputs)
mf$terms[[2]]$inputs <- outputs
mf$terms[[2]]$maxval <- n


single attribute

nodecov <- dat$attr$deg.pers
u <- sort(unique(nodecov))
u <- u[-1] # remove base values here
nodecov <- match(nodecov, u, nomatch = length(u) + 1)
ui <- seq(along = u)
inputs <- c(ui, nodecov)
mf$terms[[2]]$inputs <- c(length(ui), length(mf$terms[[2]]$coef.names), length(inputs), inputs)

double attribute

nodecov <-, c(sapply(c("deg.main", "deg.pers"), 
                                   function(oneattr) dat$attr[[oneattr]], 
                                   simplify = FALSE), sep = "."))
u <- sort(unique(nodecov))
u <- u[-1] # remove base values here
nodecov <- match(nodecov, u, nomatch = length(u) + 1)
ui <- seq(along = u)
inputs <- c(ui, nodecov)
mf$terms[[2]]$inputs <- c(length(ui), length(mf$terms[[2]]$coef.names), length(inputs), inputs)


diff = TRUE, keep = 1:2

nodecov <- dat$attr$role.class
u <- sort(unique(nodecov))
u <- u[1:2] # keep = 1:2
nodecov <- match(nodecov, u, nomatch = length(u) + 1)
dontmatch <- nodecov == (length(u) + 1)
nodecov[dontmatch] <- length(u) + (1:sum(dontmatch))
ui <- seq(along = u)
inputs <- c(ui, nodecov)
mf$terms[[4]]$inputs <- c(0, length(mf$terms[[4]]$coef.names), length(inputs), inputs)

diff = FALSE

nodecov <- dat$attr$male
u <- sort(unique(nodecov))
nodecov <- match(nodecov, u, nomatch = length(u) + 1)
inputs <- nodecov
mf$terms[[2]]$inputs <- c(0, 1, length(inputs), inputs)



nodecov <- dat$attr$age
nodeby <- dat$attr$male
offsetVal <- mf$terms[[3]]$inputs[4]
inputs <- c(offsetVal, nodecov, nodeby)
mf$terms[[3]]$inputs <- c(0, 1, length(inputs), inputs)