Version 1.0.2
Master | Develop |
PHP_CodeSniffer 3. (3.1.1 or greater).
Globally install PHP_CodeSniffer with one of the various methods. (Skip this step if you already have it installed.)
Once complete you should be able to execute phpcs -i
on the command line.
You should see something like:-
The installed coding standards are MySource, PEAR, PSR1, PSR2, Squiz and Zend.
(Recommended) use composer...
composer global require greynoise-design/laravel-coding-standard
or clone this repository...
git clone -b master --depth 1
or download.
Take note of the paths where they were installed.
(Recommended) Create a symbolic link to the 'laravel-coding-standard/GreynoiseLaravel' directory in 'php_codesniffer/src/Standards/' eg.
ln -s ~/Documents/Projects/laravel-coding-standard/GreynoiseLaravel ~/.composer/vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/src/Standards/GreynoiseLaravel
or copy the GreynoiseLaravel
directory to php_codesniffer/src/Standards/
Executing phpcs -i
should now show GreynoiseLaravel installed eg.
The installed coding standards are GreynoiseLaravel, MySource, PEAR, PSR1, PSR2, Squiz and Zend.
You should now be able to set 'GreynoiseLaravel' as the phpcs standard in the plugin/editor/IDE of your choice.
cd /Path/To/MyProject
composer require greynoise-design/laravel-coding-standard
Set the 'phpcs standard path' and 'phpcbf standard path' in your editor/plugin config to:
Single file...
phpcs /Path/To/MyFile.php --standard='/Path/To/laravel-coding-standard/GreynoiseLaravel/ruleset.xml'
or if globally installed.
phpcs /Path/To/MyFile.php --standard=GreynoiseLaravel
Directory (recursive).
phpcs /Path/To/MyProject --standard='/Path/To/laravel-coding-standard/GreynoiseLaravel/ruleset.xml'
or if globally installed.
phpcs /Path/To/MyProject --standard=GreynoiseLaravel
Single file.
phpcbf /Path/To/MyFile.php --standard='/Path/To/laravel-coding-standard/GreynoiseLaravel/ruleset.xml'
or if globally installed.
phpcbf /Path/To/MyFile.php --standard=GreynoiseLaravel
Directory (recursive).
phpcbf /Path/To/MyProject --standard='/Path/To/laravel-coding-standard/GreynoiseLaravel/ruleset.xml'
or if globally installed.
phpcbf /Path/To/MyProject --standard=GreynoiseLaravel
Project > Edit Project
Set it to your preference.
"@disable": false,
"cmd": "/Path/To/php_codesniffer/bin/phpcs",
// Or if installed globally. "cmd": "phpcs",
"standard": "/Path/To/laravel-coding-standard/GreynoiseLaravel/ruleset.xml",
// Exclude folders and files in the linting environment.
// (Matches exclude-patterns in ruleser.xml).
"path": "/Path/To/MyProject"
"phpcs_executable_path": "/Path/To/php_codesniffer/bin/phpcs",
// Or if installed globally. "phpcbf_executable_path": "phpcs",
"--standard": "/Path/To/laravel-coding-standard/GreynoiseLaravel/ruleset.xml",
// Optional don't show warnings
// "-n": ""
"phpcbf_executable_path": "/Path/To/php_codesniffer/bin/phpcbf",
// Or if installed globally. "phpcbf_executable_path": "phpcbf",
"--standard": "/Path/To/laravel-coding-standard/GreynoiseLaravel/ruleset.xml",
// Optional don't fix warnings (if they're fixable)
// "-n": ""
// Execute the sniffer on file save. (Using contextual menu instead)
"phpcs_execute_on_save": false,
// Show the error list after save. (Using sublime linter instead)
"phpcs_show_errors_on_save": false,
// Show the errors in the quick panel so you can then goto line. (Gets annoying)
"phpcs_show_quick_panel": false,
// Turn the debug output on/off.
"show_debug": false