A friendly DSL on top of Rake to define and launch your cloud services. Uses Fog to talk to the cloud.
This is all for AWS right now.
- Infrastructure as code
- Start with basic building blocks: security groups, hosts, etc
- Everything at a higher level can be done by chef
- Provide the transition from lower layer (fog) to apps (chef)
First, set up your ~/.fog file with credentials and defaults:
:aws_access_key_id: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
:aws_secret_access_key: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
:region: us-east-1
:key_name: production
:image_id: ami-9b85eef2
:flavor_id: t1.micro
Your key_name field should have a matching ~/.ssh/{key_name}.pem file. If you
name the group in fog anything other than default
you will need to use the
FOG_CREDENTIAL environment variable when running rake.
require_relative 'lib/ponyup'
security 'web', [80, 8080]
host 'appserver', 'web', 'recipe[appserver]'
task :default => :ponyup
To set up your full set of hosts and security groups:
rake FOG_CREDENTIAL=production
To tear down your server:
rake host:appserver:destroy [FOG_CREDENTIAL=...]
To see all availabe tasks:
rake -D
There are examples in the exmaples/ directory.