pureDialog is written in pure HTML/CSS/JS. This module allows you to customize a widget with features such as dragging, resizing, minimizing/maximizing window, full screen, etc.
Before creating your own dialog theme (such as named 'diy'), you could make a copy (named 'pureDialog-diy.css') from any of 'pureDialog-win10.css', 'pureDialog-jquery.css', 'pureDialog-ios.css', or 'pureDialog-ubuntu.css', then rename all class prefixes in this css file, for example, renaming '.win10-dlgFrame' to '.diy-dlgFrame'.
In additional, you should change the default theme defined in pureDialog.js.
var defaultTheme = 'win10'; ====> var defaultTheme = 'diy';
or call the following function before creating any widget
new pureDialog('Warning', 'Operation failed');
new pureDialog('Warning like ios', 'Operation failed', {theme: 'ios'});
var confirm = new pureDialog('Confirmation','<span>Are you sure to continue ?</span>', {
theme: 'ios', //optional
right: [{
type: 'button',
cssClass: '', //optional
content: 'Yes/是',
toolTip: 'Yes/是', //optional
onClicked: function() { //do your job
new pureDialog('Information', 'Operation succeeded');
type: 'button',
cssClass: '', //optional
content: 'No/否',
toolTip: 'No/否', //optional
onClicked: function() { //giveup
new pureDialog('Warning', 'Operation canceled');
var dlgDemo = new pureDialog({
theme: 'win10', //builtin themes: 'win10', 'ios', 'jquery', 'ubuntu'
width: 600, //in pixels
height: 400, //in pixels
dragging: true, //the title is draggable
resizing: { //the border is draggable
handleSize: 4, //detection width of the draggable area
minWidth: 320, //minimum width of the widget
maxWidth: 1024, //maximum width of the widget
minHeight: 200, //minimum height of the widget
maxHeight: 800 //maximum height of the widget
title: {
left: [
type: 'close', //'close', 'minimize', 'maximize', 'fullscreen', 'button', 'caption', 'icon' or 'html'
toolTip: 'Close' //multilingual wording
type: 'minimize',
toolTip: 'Minimize'
type: 'maximize',
toolTip: 'Maximize'
type: 'fullscreen',
toolTip: 'Fullscreen'
type: 'icon',
cssClass: 'dlgMenu', //customized css class
toolTip: 'Menu',
onClicked: function() {} //additional operation when clicked
middleAlign: 'center', //'center' or 'left', alignment of the text content in 'middle' block
middle: [
type: 'caption',
cssClass: '',
content: 'Text on Title' //html content to show
right: [
type: 'minimize',
toolTip: 'Minimize'
type: 'maximize',
toolTip: 'Maximize'
type: 'fullscreen',
toolTip: 'Fullscreen'
type: 'close',
toolTip: 'Close'
content: {
iframe: true, //content will be wrapped by an iframe element
url: 'examples/login.html' //url of the content
footer: {
left: [
type: 'button',
cssClass: '', //customized css class
content: 'Prev', //multilingual wording
toolTip: 'Prev', //multilingual wording
onClicked: function() {} //additional operation when clicked
type: 'button',
cssClass: '',
content: 'Next',
toolTip: 'Next',
onClicked: function() {}
middleAlign: 'center',
middle: [
type: 'html',
content: 'Text on Footer'
right: [
type: 'button',
cssClass: '',
content: 'OK',
toolTip: 'OK',
onClicked: function() {}
type: 'button',
cssClass: '',
content: 'Cancel',
toolTip: 'Cancel',
onClicked: function() {}
onClosing: function() {
var confirm = new pureDialog('Warning','<span>Quit?</span>', {
right: [
type: 'button',
cssClass: '',
content: 'Yes/是',
toolTip: 'Yes/是',
onClicked: function()
dlgDemo.close(); //close the parent widget
confirm.close(); //close the current widget
type: 'button',
cssClass: '',
content: 'No/否',
toolTip: 'No/否',
onClicked: function()
return false;
onClosed: function(context, result) {}
CSS class name is on the top left corner of the relavant element.