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Prompts Hub

This is a full-stack website for creating and sharing your AI-powered prompts.

The project is end-to-end developed using:

  • Node Package Manager as foundation;
  • ReactJS Library and NextJS Framework for developing;
  • NextAuth with Bcrypt for authorization;
  • MongoDB with Mongoose for database;
  • Tailwind CSS for styling purposes.


The stable releases of the following technologies are used:

Technology Version Technology Version
NPM 18.6+ React & DOM 18.2+
Next 13.4+ NextAuth 4.22+
MongoDB 5.6+ Mongoose 7.3+
Bcrypt 5.1+ Autoprefixer 10.4+
PostCSS 8.4+ Tailwind CSS 3.3+

P.S. For hosted usage, only Vercel deployment with variables is sufficient.


The environment variables to be used, are:

Google API Client ID and Secret

  1. Go to the Google Cloud Console, select the Website Client and copy the variables.
  2. Enter them in the GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET fields, respectively.

Mongo Database URI

  1. Go to the Mongo Atlas Console, select the Prompts Hub project, select the DevCluster deployment, click Connect, choose Drivers and copy the URI.
  2. Replace the <password> phrase with the actual password and then enter them in the MONGODB_URI field. For the local .env file, remember to escape characters like $.

NextAuth URLs and Secret

  1. For the local deployment, enter the value [http://localhost:3000] in the NEXTAUTH_URL and NEXTAUTH_URL_INTERNAL fields.
  2. For the remote deployment, enter the value [] in the NEXTAUTH_URL and NEXTAUTH_URL_INTERNAL fields.
  3. Run the command [openssl rand -base64 32] in the Git Bash terminal and enter that value in the NEXTAUTH_SECRET field. Remember that a new key will not work with the old entries in the Mongo Database.


For development purposes, follow these steps:

  1. Run this command to install all the dependencies:

    npm install

  2. Run this command to keep watch and start the local server:

    npm run dev

  3. Go to this URL to use the application:



For production purposes, follow these steps:

  1. Run this command to install the required dependencies:

    npm install

  2. Run this command to minify and build the React project:

    npm run build

  3. Run this command to host the optimized React project:

    npm start

  4. Go to this URL to use the application:


Thank you for using it!