STARS Exploring CS
- Continue work on your Lego assignment
- Review and practice using methods and parameters
- Continue to practice using max and min
- Understand and be able to use the methods random, dist, mousePressed, and mouseReleased
- Continue to learn and practice with conditional statements
- Understand and be able to use logical operators (and, or)
- Understand and be able to use Processing built in variables: mouseX, mouseY, mousePressed
- Add methods and parameters to a monster example
- Events
- Conditional statement structure, logical operators
- Built in variables, mouseX, mouseY, mousePressed
- Methods: random, dist, mousePressed, mouseReleased
- Dot Drawing
- Line Drawing
- Growing Ellipse
- Rect hover
- What new things did you learn today?
- What topics are you still struggling with?
- What did you especially enjoy about today's class?
- What can be improved for future classes?
- Interactive Monster Due Friday, 04/28, 9pm