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Tutorial for Linux
Takuya Takeuchi edited this page Apr 29, 2022
22 revisions
- dlib
- 3.0 or higher
- If you do not want to add CMake path to environment variable, you must type fullpath of CMake when build library.
- .NET Core 2.0
PowerShell Core
- 6.2 or higher
- .NET Core 2.0
- (Optional for using CUDA) CUDA
- (Optional for using CUDA) cuDNN
- (Optional for using MKL) Intel Math Kernel Library
DlibDotNet.Native requires libdlib.a. You can refer official page
git clone https://github.com/takuya-takeuchi/DlibDotNet
cd DlibDotNet
$ sudo yum install -y https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
$ sudo rpm -Uvh https://packages.microsoft.com/config/centos/7/packages-microsoft-prod.rpm
$ sudo yum update
$ sudo yum groupinstall 'Development tools'
$ sudo yum install -y dotnet-sdk-2.1 openblas-devel powershell cmake3
$ sudo ln -s /usr/bin/cmake3 /usr/bin/cmake
$ sudo yum install https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/releases/download/v7.2.2/powershell-lts-7.2.2-1.rh.x86_64.rpm
sudo apt-get install libx11-dev libopenblas-dev
- Open DlibDotNet/src/DlibDotNet.Native in console
- Type the following code in a console:
$ pwsh Build.ps1 <Release/Debug> <cpu/cuda> <32/64> <desktop/uwp> <optional: cuda version [92/100/101]
- Install CUDA Toolkit and cuDNN if you want to use CUDA
- Install Intel Math Kernel Library if you want to use Intel MKL
- Use apt-get to install Intel Math Kernel Library
$ apt-get update
$ apt install -y wget apt-transport-https
$ wget https://apt.repos.intel.com/intel-gpg-keys/GPG-PUB-KEY-INTEL-SW-PRODUCTS-2019.PUB
$ sh -c 'echo deb https://apt.repos.intel.com/mkl all main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/intel-mkl.list'
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install -y intel-mkl-64bit-2019.0-045
- libDlibDotNetNative.so will be in build_*\Release or build_*\Debug
- Open DlibDotNet/src/DlibDotNet.Native.Dnn in console
- Type the following code in a console:
$ pwsh Build.ps1 <Release/Debug> <cpu/cuda/mkl> <32/64> <desktop/uwp> <optional: cuda version [92/100/101]
- Install CUDA Toolkit and cuDNN if you want to use CUDA
- Install Intel Math Kernel Library if you want to use Intel MKL
- Use apt-get to install Intel Math Kernel Library
$ apt-get update
$ apt install -y wget apt-transport-https
$ wget https://apt.repos.intel.com/intel-gpg-keys/GPG-PUB-KEY-INTEL-SW-PRODUCTS-2019.PUB
$ sh -c 'echo deb https://apt.repos.intel.com/mkl all main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/intel-mkl.list'
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install -y intel-mkl-64bit-2019.0-045
- libDlibDotNetNativeDnn.so will be in build_*\Release or build_*\Debug
- Install .NET Core 2.0 by following the official page
Open DlibDotNet/src/DlibDotNet in console
Type the following code in a console:
Open DlibDotNet\src\DlibDotNet in console
Type the following code in a console:
dotnet build -c <Release/Debug>