A website which provides users free assistance on how to invest and earn from Cryptocurrencies.
This is Just for fun#4278 's submission for Timathon 2021 (Jan-Feb)
Presenting, Cryptant which provides high quality advice for free to people around the globe to make them learn how to invest and earn from cryptocurrencies.
As per several reports, It is assumed that cryptocurrencies will replace every national currency and will be highly valued than current value. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC) are predicted to have a bright future in relation to price and valuation.
- AI 🤖 Advice
- Current Price 💸
- Cryptocurrency News 📰
- Candlestick Graphs 📈
- Top Gainers ⬆️ and Losers ⬇️
Stuck on what cryptocurrency to buy? Use our AI predictions to know the best possible outcoming cryptocurrencies in the near future.
Get the future prediction from our highly trained AI just to give out the best results out to our users 🤑
- Choose the cryptocurrency you want the prediction of.
- Click
and get predictions from our AI for free 😄.
Get the live prices for almost all cryptocurrencies at one place for free on Cryptant!
Know the live price and make your decision to either buy or sell the cryptocurrency and make profit 🤑
- Choose the cryptocurrency you want the live price of.
- Click
and get the price from our API for free 😄.
Stay Updated to what's happening in the cryptocurrency market to know and be ready to make your next move 😉
Get the latest news of the current situation of the cryptocurrency market for free at one place!
- Open
Cryptocurrency News
and enjoy your news 📰
A candlestick chart 📈 is a style of financial chart used to describe price movements of a security, derivative, or currency. Each "candlestick" typically shows one day, thus a one-month chart may show the 20 trading days as 20 candlesticks. Candlestick charts can also be built using intervals shorter or longer than one day.
Cryptant provides candlestick graphs for almost all cryptocurrencies for time intervals:
- 1 Minute
- 5 Minutes
- 15 Minutes
- 1 Hour
- 6 Hours
- 1 Day
- Select the cryptocurrency you want to get chart of
- Select your time interval 🕥
- Click
Get Graph
and get your interactive candlestick graph 📈
Cryptocurrencies which gain the maximum percentage in their buying price are termed as Top Gainers ⬆️ and which lose the maximu percentage in their buying price are termed as Top Losers ⬇️
Cryptant provides a list of such gainers and losers at one place for free, updated regularly!
- Open
Gainers & Losers
and the site will update the gainers and losers automatically via our free-to-use API!
Cryptant, unlike any other cryptocurrency advice website, provides a Free-To-Use API for developers.
API Docs have been posted on Postman via the owners of the website.
Note: Rate Limit: 10 Requests/ Minute (General Rate Limit)
If you want to get rate limit and want to use our API for your personal, non-commercial use, contact Just for fun#4278
on Discord
Root URL: https://cryptantapi.root.sx
Get the current price 💸 of any cryptocurrency: /getPrice/<coin>
Get latest cryptocurrency news 📰: /news
Get candles for candlestick graphs 📈: /getCandles/<coin>/<interval
Valid Intervals: 1M
, 5M
, 15M
, 1H
, 6H
, 1D
(Case insensitive)
Get Top Gainers ⬆️ and Losers ⬇️: /topGainersLosers
Get AI 🤖 Advice for any cryptocurrency: /getPrediction/<coin>
- Hover to
👈 tab on the navigation bar of our website. - Click
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- Install all dependencies stated in
- Start
folder. - Change API Url in each HTML file.
- Open
and done. - Host it using
if you want it to be hosted on a domain
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