A JupyterLab extension to style your extensions/applications easily & fast.
- Live review of your styles
- No waiting for webpack to compile your css changes to see effects
- Easy access to your design system colors: just click to copy into clipboard
- Automatically saved in your local storage
- One click to download all your styles in zip as a backup
- Multi stylesheet editing
- VSCode's Monaco editor: shortcuts, command palette, zoom in/out, code formatting, syntax highlighting, auto complete
jlpm build
jupyter labextension install .
# Rebuild Typescript source after making changes
jlpm build
# Rebuild JupyterLab after making any changes
jupyter lab build
You can watch the source directory and run JupyterLab in watch mode to watch for changes in the extension's source and automatically rebuild the extension and application.
# Watch the source directory in another terminal tab
jlpm watch
# Run jupyterlab in watch mode in one terminal tab
jupyter lab --watch