Now available via Telegram! Add @BrainTrustBot
to your chat to get started!
A re-write of the original BrainTrust Bot, but with Ruby on Rails and better planning. The original bot has served its purpose well for multiple years, but it's time to start on something built from the ground-up.
The original bot has been subject to "feature creep" and, given the lack of foresight when it was originally written, did not handle this well. A lot of its features were "hacked on" because we originally did not anticipate their existence. So this is an attempt to start over, with a better understanding of which features were actually useful and how to implement them in a reasonable way.
- Send a message to all members of a chat by tagging them all, so they'll be notified even if the chat is muted
- Store quotes from a chat (message text, author, sender, context)
- Quotes with locations (optional)
- Retrive quotes at random
- Alexa support (ask Alexa for a random quote)
- Automatically send quotes once a day with some probability (can be disabled)
- Automatic quote generation based on Markov chains and all quotes collected from a single user
- Store photos from a chat
- Support captions
- Retrive photos at random
- Internal photo backup (as opposed to just being stored on Telegram)
- Send a command to roll an 8-ball and get back a divine answer from the bot
- Luck statistics for each member of a chat group
- Send the bot your birthday via the
command and have it notify everyone a week in advance
- Admin interface for managing quotes, chats, photos, etc.