JSDoc 3 Template for AngularJS.
A JSDoc plugin and template for AngularJS, nothing else!
- Right side TOC, table of contents, for navigation by Directives, Services, Controllers, etc
- Read and process @ngdoc tag
$ npm install jsdoc angular-jsdoc --save-dev
Run jsdoc command to generate your documentation. All command line options are the options of jsdoc
$ path/to/jsdoc -c path to conf> -t <template> <your source code>
In example,
`$ node_modules/jsdoc/jsdoc.js -c node_modules/angular-jsdoc/conf -t node_modules/angular-jsdoc/template -r myDir`
install gulp-shell
$ npm install gulp-shell --save-dev
add the following to the gulpfile.json
var shell = require('gulp-shell'); gulp.task('docs', shell.task([ 'node_modules/jsdoc/jsdoc.js '+ '-c node_modules/angular-jsdoc/conf.json '+ // config file '-t node_modules/angular-jsdoc/template '+ // template file '-d build/docs '+ // output directory './README.md ' + // to include README.md as index contents '-r app/scripts' // source code directory ]));
run gulp task
$ gulp docs