Using pip:
pip install vtiles --upgrade
Visit vtiles on PyPI
- Show MBTiles metadata info, support raster MBTiles and vector MBTiles
- mbtilesinfo can show information from metadata table, total number of tiles, and vector_layers list for vector mbtiles
> mbtilesinfo <file_path>
- Inspect MBTiles in actual tiles data instead of reading from metadata:
- mbtilesinspect can show minzoom, maxzoom, total number of tiles, tile compression type, number of tiles comparing to standard tiles number at each zoom level, and it can show the duplicated rows in terms of zoom_level, tile_column, and tile_row
> mbtilesinspect <file_path>
Ex: > mbtilesinspect tiles.mbtiles
- Inspect MBTiles in actual tiles data instead of reading from metadata:
- mbtilesinspect can show minzoom, maxzoom, total number of tiles, tile compression type, number of tiles comparing to standard tiles number at each zoom level, and it can show the duplicated rows in terms of zoom_level, tile_column, and tile_row
> mbtilesinspect <file_path>
Ex: > mbtilesinspect tiles.mbtiles
- Convert MBTiles file to folder: (support raster MBTiles (.png, .jpg, .webp) and vector MBTiles (.pbf))
> mbtiles2folder <file_name.mbtiles> -o [output_folder (optional, current dir if not specified)] -flipy [TMS <--> XYZ tiling scheme (optional): 1 or 0, default is 0] -minzoom [optional, default is 0] -maxzoom [Maximum zoom level to export (optional, default is maxzoom from input MBTiles]
> mbtiles2folder tiles.mbtiles -o tiles_folder -flipy 0 -minzoom 0 -maxzoom 6
- Download tiles from a tile server to tiles folders:
> url2folder -url <URL> -o <output_folder> -minzoom <min zoom> -maxzoom <max zoom>
> url2folder -url -o tiles.mbtiles -minzoom 0 -maxzoom 1
Convert a tiles folder to MBTiles file: (support raster tile (.png, .jpg, .webp) and vector tile (.pbf))
> folder2mbtiles <input_folder> -o [file_name.mbtiles (optional)] -flipy [TMS <--> XYZ tiling scheme (optional): 1 or 0, default is 0]
> folder2mbtiles tiles_folder -o tiles.mbtiles -flipy 0
Without -o parameter: file_name.mbtiles has the same name with <input_folder> name at the current directory
- Convert MBTiles to GeoJSON.
> mbtiles2geojson <input file> -o <Output GeoJSON> -zoom <zoom level> -flipy [TMS <--> XYZ tiling scheme (optional): 1 or 0, default is 0] -l [List of layer names to convert, all layers if not specified]
> mbtiles2geojson tiles.mbtiles -o geojson.geojson -zoom 0 -flipy 0 -l water building
- Convert geojson file to mbtiles (need tippecanoe to be installed)
> geojson2mbtiles <input files> -z <maxzoom> -o <output> -t <tippecanoe path> --extra-args <drop-densest-as-needed or coalesce-densest-as-needed or extend-zooms-if-still-dropping>
> geojson2mbtiles state.geojson district.geojson -z9 -o state_district.mbtiles -t /usr/local/bin/ --extra-args coalesce-densest-as-needed
(on Linux)
Uplpad a vector/ raster tiles folder to Amazon S3 Bucket:
> folder2s3 <input_folder> -format <'pbf', 'mvt', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp'>
> folder2s3 vectortiles_folder -format pbf
Input S3 parameters:
> S3 Bucket name: <Your S3 Bucket name (required)> > S3 Prefix: [Your S3 prefix (Optional. Press Enter to upload to the bucket root folder)] > AWS Access Key ID: <Your_Access_Key_ID (required)> > AWS Secret Access Key: <Your_Secrect_Access_Key (required)> > AWS Region: <AWS region (Optional. Press Enter to choose default region)>
- Uplpad a MBTiles file to Amazon S3 Bucket: Need to install aws cli and run aws configure to input credentials first
> mbtiles2s3 <input file> <s3 bucket> -p (to see the uploading progress)
> mbtiles2s3 tiles.mbtiles s3://mybucket -p
- Install aws cli on Ubuntu:
Verify aws cli installation:
sudo apt update sudo apt install curl unzip -y curl "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64.zip" -o "awscliv2.zip" unzip awscliv2.zip sudo ./aws/install
aws --version
- Configure aws cli:
Input AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key
aws configure
Check aws configuration by listing your S3 buckets:AWS Access Key ID [None]: AKIAxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AWS Secret Access Key [None]: wJalrxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Default region name [None]: Default output format [None]:
aws s3 ls
- Extract a tile from MBTiles to PBF
> mbtiles2pbf <input file> -z <zoom level> -x <tile column> -y <tile row> -o <output file>
> mbtiles2pbf tiles.mbtils -z 2 -x 1 -y 2 -o pbf_212.pbf
- Show pbf metadata info
> pbfinfo <input file>
> pbfinfo pbf_file.pbf
- Convert tile data from a BBF file or MBTiles file to GeoJSON
> pbf2geojson <input pbf or MBTiles > -o <output file> -z <tile zoom level, default is 0> - x <tile column, default is 0> -y <tile row, default is 0> -flipy [TMS <--> XYZ tiling scheme (optional): 1 or 0, default is 0]
> pbf2geojson tiles.mbtiles -o geojson_file.geojson -z 2 -x 1 -y 2
> pbf2geojson pbf_file.pbf
- Convert TMS <--> XYZ tiling scheme for a tiles folder
> flipy <input folder> -o <output folder>
> flipy input_folder -o output_folder
- Convert Convert MBTiles to PMTiles
> flipy <input MBTiles> -o <output PMTiles> -z <max zoom level>
> mbtiles2pmtiles mbtiles_file.mbtiles -o pmtiles_file.pmtiles -z 6
- Split an MBTiles file by selected layers
> mbtilessplit <input file> -o <output file> -l <list of layer names to be splitted>
> mbtilessplit input_file.mbtiles -o splitted_file.mbtiles -l water
(mbtilessplit also save remaining mbtiles layers to {input file}_remained.mbtiles)
- Merge multiple MBTiles files into a single MBTiles file
> mbtilesmerge <input file list> -o <output file> -l <list of layer names to be splitted>
> mbtilesmerge file_1.mbtiles file_2.mbtiles -o merged.mbtiles
- Compress MBTiles file with GZIP
> mbtilescompress <input file> -o <output file>
> mbtilescompress mbtiles_file.mbtiles -o compressed.mbtiles
- Decompress MBTiles file (either being compressed with GZIP or ZLIB)
> mbtilesdecompress <input file> -o <output file>
> mbtilesdecompress mbtiles_file.mbtiles -o decompressed.mbtiles
- Create or update metadata for an existing MBTiles file.
> mbtilesfixmeta <input file>
> mbtilesfixmeta mbtiles_file.mbtiles
- Serve a raster tiles or vector tiles for the current folder, so clients can access to the tiles server via, for ex. htttp://localhost/8000/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf.
> servefolder
- Serve raster tiles for the input MBTiles file, so clients can access to the tiles server via, for ex. htttp://localhost/8000/rastertiles/z/x/y.png.
> servembtiles --serve -p <port> -f <input file>
- Serve vector tiles for the input MBTiles file, so clients can access to the tiles server via, for ex. htttp://localhost/8000/vectortiles/z/x/y.pbf.
> servevectormbtiles --serve -p <port> -f <input file>
- Serve MVT tiles from a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database, so clients can access to the tiles server via, for ex. htttp://localhost/8000/mvt/z/x/y.pbf.
> servepostgis -config <YAML configuration file>
- Serve vector tiles for an pmtiles file htttp://localhost/8000/pmtiles/z/x/y.pbf.
> servepmtiles <PMTiles file> -port <port number> -host <host IP, default is localhost>
- Show PMTiles metadata.
> pmtilesinfo <mbtiles file> Z [zoom level] X [tile column] Y [tile row]
- Convert PMTiles file to folder
> pmtiles2folder <input file> -o <output_folder>
- Convert PMTiles file to MBTiles file
> pmtiles2mbtiles <input PMTiles> -o <output MBTiles>