OpenGL 3D engine using LWJGL (specifically OpenGL, GLFW, Assimp, STBI). Created out of interest for high fidelity real-time renderers such as Unreal Engine 4 and Blender Eevee
Implemented features:
- Physically based rendering (metalness workflow)
- Cook-Torrance BDRF
- Shadow mapping (sun only)
- ASSIMP model loading
- Fully deferred render pipeline
- Position, normal, albedo, roughness, and metal attatchments
- GLSL vertex, fragment, geometry, and compute shader creation
- Attribute bindings
- Uniform variables
- Framebuffer bindings
- Full 3D movement/rotation
- WASD to traverse
- Right mouse to rotate view
- Middle mouse to pan along screen tangent
- Q to zoom
- Dynamic window resizing
- Auto resizing FBO attachments and textures
WIP features:
- More advanced shadow mapping
- Parallel split shadow maps
- Ortho-frustum fitting
- Perspective cube maps (for point light shadows)
- Parallel split shadow maps
- Uniform block bindings
- Multisampling
- Tone mapping
- Buttons, sliders and fields
- Static and dynamic text
- Billboards
- Cursor object picking
- UUID picking
- Object outline
- Object property control
- Engine console
- Image based lighting
- Height mapping
- Parralax occlusion mapping
- Post-processing
- Screen space ambient occlusion + blur
- Bloom
- Depth of field
- Screen space reflections
Future features:
- Modular shader creation
- Runtime material editing
- Water/Ocean generation
- Terrain generation