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Generalized Dashboard Scripts for Google Workflows (#11)
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* standard dashboard scripts

* standard dashboard scripts

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* adding example louisiana scripts
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sage-wright authored Mar 16, 2023
1 parent 0786008 commit 75eb479
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Showing 8 changed files with 379 additions and 35 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions google_workflows/
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
gcloud eventarc triggers create louisisana-gisaid-trigger-standard \
--destination-workflow=louisiana-dashboard-standard \
--destination-workflow-location=us-central1 \
--event-filters="" \
--event-filters="bucket=louisiana-gisaid-data" \
--location=us \
--service-account="[email protected]"
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions google_workflows/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
gcloud workflows deploy louisiana-dashboard-standard \
61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions google_workflows/louisiana-dashboard-workflow.yaml
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@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
params: [args]
- init:
- projectId: ${sys.get_env("GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT_ID")}
- region: "us-central1"
- batchApi: ""
- batchApiUrl: ${ "https://" + batchApi + "/projects/" + projectId + "/locations/" + region + "/jobs"}
- jobId: ${ "louisiana-dashboard-" + string(int(}
- newFile: ${}
- logCreateBatchJob:
call: sys.log
data: ${ "Creating and running the batch job " + jobId}
- createAndRunBatchJob:
url: ${batchApiUrl}
job_id: ${jobId}
Content-Type: application/json
type: OAuth2
- taskSpec:
- container:
imageUri: ""
entrypoint: "/bin/bash"
- "/mnt/disks/louisiana-bucket:/data"
- "/mnt/disks/louisiana-bucket/.config:/.config"
- "-c"
- ${ "bash /data/ -d gs://louisiana-dashboard-processing -j gisaid_louisiana_data.json -s /data/bq_schema/schema_LA_v6.json -b /data/input_gisaid -o /data -t gs://louisiana-gisaid-data -g gs://fc-6c0c9352-49f4-4673-a41c-71baddb16f42 -r gisaid_louisiana_data -p cdc-terra-la-phl -w CDC-COVID-LA-Dashboard-Test -q sars_cov_2_dashboard.workflow_test -i " + newFile}
- gcs:
remotePath: "louisiana-dashboard-processing"
mountPath: "/mnt/disks/louisiana-bucket"
taskCount: 1
destination: CLOUD_LOGGING
result: createAndRunBatchJobResponse
- getJob:
call: http.get
url: ${batchApiUrl + "/" + jobId}
type: OAuth2
result: getJobResult
- logState:
call: sys.log
data: ${ "Current job state " + getJobResult.body.status.state}
- returnResult:
jobId: ${jobId}
status: "OK"
192 changes: 192 additions & 0 deletions google_workflows/
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@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
set -e

# filename:
# authors: Sage Wright, Kevin Libuit, Frank Ambrosio

VERSION="Google Dashboarding v0.1"

showHelp() {
cat << EOF
Google Dashboarding v0.1
This script is configured to work within a Google Batch job managed by a Google Workflow and Trigger.
The following variables need to be passed in as input parameters.
CAUTION: The entire command length must be under 400 characters; using the short version of arguments is recommended
Usage: ./
[ -v | --version ] display version and quit
[ -h | --help ] display this help message and quit
[ -d | --dashboard-gcp-uri ] the gcp bucket where dashboard processing will occur ("gs://louisiana-dashboarding-processing")
[ -j | --dashboard-newline-json ] the name of the dashboard newline json file to uploaded to Big Query ("gisaid_louisiana_data.json")
[ -s | --dashboard-schema ] the path in the mounted directory of where you can find the dashboard schema ("/data/bq_schema/schema_LA_v6.json")
[ -b | --gisaid-backup-dir ] the path in the mounted directory of where the gisaid data will be copied ("/data/input_gisaid")
[ -o | --output-dir ] the path in the mounted direcotry where the output files will be written ("/data")
[ -t | --trigger-bucket ] the gcp bucket where the trigger will watch ("gs://louisiana-gisaid-data")
[ -g | --terra-gcp-uri ] the dashboard terra bucket (gs://fc-6c0c9352-49f4-4673-a41c-71baddb16f42")
[ -r | --terra-table-root-entity ] the terra table you want the data stored ("gisaid_louisiana_data")
[ -p | --terra-project ] the project hosting the terra workspace ("cdc-terra-la-phl")
[ -w | --terra-workspace ] the terra workspace ("CDC-COVID-LA-Dashboard-Test")
[ -q | --big-query-table-name ] the name of the big query table to upload to ("sars_cov_2_dashboard.workflow_la_state_gisaid_specimens_test")
[ -m | --metadata-parameters ] (optional) any additional metadata cleanser parameter (enclose in quotes). available options: "--puertorico"
[ -i | --input-tar-file ] the tar file given to the script by the Google Trigger
Happy dashboarding!

# use getopt to parse the input arguments
PARSED_ARGUMENTS=$(getopt -n "standard-dashboard" -o "hvd:j:s:b:o:t:g:r:p:w:q:m::i:" -l "version,help,dashboard-gcp-uri:,dashboard-newline-json:,dashboard-schema:,gisaid-backup-dir:,output-dir:,trigger-bucket:,terra-gcp-uri:,terra-table-root-entity:,terra-project:,terra-workspace:,big-query-table-name:,metadata-parameters::,input-tar-file:" -a -- "$@")

eval set -- "$PARSED_ARGUMENTS"

while true; do
case "$1" in
echo $VERSION; exit 0;;
showHelp; exit 0;;
dashboard_gcp_uri=$2; shift 2;;
dashboard_newline_json=$2; shift 2;;
dashboard_schema=$2; shift 2;;
gisaid_backup_dir=$2; shift 2;;
output_dir=$2; shift 2;;
trigger_bucket=$2; shift 2;;
terra_gcp_uri=$2; shift 2;;
terra_table_root_entity=$2; shift 2;;
terra_project=$2; shift 2;;
terra_workspace=$2; shift 2;;
big_query_table_name=$2; shift 2;;
case "$2" in
"") metadata_cleanser_parameters=''; shift 2;;
*) metadata_cleanser_parameters=$2; shift 2;;
esac ;;
input_tar_file=$2; shift 2;;
--) shift; break ;;
*) echo "Unexpected option: $1 -- this should not happen."; exit 1;;


# this function will make a direcotry if it does not already exist
make_directory() {
if [ -e $1 ]; then
echo "Directory "$1" already exists"
mkdir -v $1


# Set date tag
date_tag=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%Hh-%Mm-%Ss")

# Create output subdirectories if they do not yet exist:
make_directory ${output_dir}/automation_logs
make_directory ${output_dir}/gisaid_processing
make_directory ${output_dir}/backup_jsons

# echo the variables that were provided
echo -e "Dashboarding Automated System initiated at ${date_tag}\n" | tee ${output_dir}/automation_logs/dashboard-${date_tag}.log
echo -e "Input variables:\ndashboard_gcp_uri: ${dashboard_gcp_uri},\ndashboard_newline_json: ${dashboard_newline_json},\ndashboard_bq_load_schema: ${dashboard_schema},\ngisaid_backup_dir: ${gisaid_backup_dir},\nmounted_output_dir: ${output_dir},\ntrigger_bucket_gcp_uri: ${trigger_bucket},\nterra_gcp_uri: ${terra_gcp_uri},\nterra_table_root_entity: ${terra_table_root_entity},\nterra_project: ${terra_project},\nterra_workspace: ${terra_workspace},\nbig_query_table_name: ${big_query_table_name}\n" >> ${output_dir}/automation_logs/dashboard-${date_tag}.log

# take in file as input from trigger

# indicate that a file has been successfully passed to the script
echo "The file '$filename' appeared in directory '$trigger_bucket'" >> ${output_dir}/automation_logs/dashboard-${date_tag}.log

# copy the file to the gisaid_backup directory
gsutil cp ${file} ${gisaid_backup_dir}/

# if the created file is a gisaid_auspice input file, integrate into Terra and BQ
if [[ "$file" == *"gisaid_auspice_input"*"tar" ]]; then
# indicate the new file is a gisaid file
echo -e "New gisaid file identified: $filename \n" >> ${output_dir}/automation_logs/dashboard-${date_tag}.log

# set up gisaid processing directory using the current date

# run the following compilation of scripts:
# decompress gisaid input tar ball into specific date processing directory
mkdir ${gisaid_dir}
tar -xf ${gisaid_backup_dir}/$filename -C ${gisaid_dir}
# Create individual fasta files from GISAID multifasta
python3 /scripts/ ${gisaid_dir}/*.sequences.fasta ${gisaid_dir}
# Deposit individual fasta files into Terra GCP bucket
gsutil -m cp ${gisaid_dir}/individual_gisaid_assemblies_$(date -I)/*.fasta ${terra_gcp_uri}/uploads/gisaid_individual_assemblies_$(date -I)/
# Create and import Terra Data table containing GCP pointers to deposited assemblies
/scripts/ ${terra_gcp_uri}/uploads/gisaid_individual_assemblies_$(date -I) ${terra_project} ${terra_workspace} ${terra_table_root_entity} ${gisaid_dir} \".fasta\" $(date -I)
# Capture, reformat, and prune GISAID metadata
python3 /scripts/ ${gisaid_dir}/*.metadata.tsv ${gisaid_dir}/gisaid_metadata_${date_tag}.tsv ${terra_table_root_entity} ${metadata_cleanser_parameters}
# Import formatted data table into Terra
python3 /scripts/import_large_tsv/ --project ${terra_project} --workspace ${terra_workspace} --tsv ${gisaid_dir}/gisaid_metadata_${date_tag}.tsv
# Capture the entire Terra data table as a tsv
python3 /scripts/export_large_tsv/ --project ${terra_project} --workspace ${terra_workspace} --entity_type ${terra_table_root_entity} --tsv_filename ${gisaid_dir}/full_${terra_table_root_entity}_terra_table_${date_tag}.tsv
# Convert the local Terra table tsv into a newline json
python3 /scripts/ ${gisaid_dir}/full_${terra_table_root_entity}_terra_table_${date_tag}.tsv ${gisaid_dir}/${terra_table_root_entity}_${date_tag}
# Push newline json to the dashboard GCP bucket and backup folder
gsutil cp ${gisaid_dir}/${terra_table_root_entity}_${date_tag}.json ${dashboard_gcp_uri}/${terra_table_root_entity}.json
gsutil cp ${gisaid_dir}/${terra_table_root_entity}_${date_tag}.json ${output_dir}/backup_jsons/
# Load newline json to Big Query
bq load --ignore_unknown_values=true --replace=true --source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON ${big_query_table_name} ${dashboard_gcp_uri}/${terra_table_root_entity}.json ${dashboard_schema}
# write the commands that will be run to the automation log
echo -e "#### Capturing GISAID data into Dashboard (${date_tag}) ####\n" >> ${output_dir}/automation_logs/dashboard-${date_tag}.log
echo -e $SCRIPTS >> ${output_dir}/automation_logs/dashboard-${date_tag}.log

# run the scripts
echo -e $SCRIPTS | bash -x

# display error message if the file is not a GISAID file
echo "The file was not recognized as a GISAID auspice tar file."
78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,3 +35,81 @@ $ . dry
$ . >concatenate-across-lanes.log 2>&1


This python script will read in a tsv of sequence metadata, perform some reformatting and data sanitization, and then produce a tsv that can be uploaded to Terra.

#### requirements
Positional inputs required:
- tsv_meta_file (assumes GISAID-generated tsv)
- out_file (output file name)
- table_name (the name of the terra table; do not include entity: or _id)

Optional input parameters:
- `--puertorico` which performs Puerto Rico-specific actions, like removing pango_lineage from the metadata and all samples with PR-CVL in their name

#### usage
$ python3 <tsv_meta_file> <out_file> <table_name> <optional_parameters>


This python script will parse the mutlifasta file provided in the gisaid auspice tarball

#### requirements
Two positional inputs required:
- gisaid_multifasta_file (the multifasta file from the auspice tarball)
- output_dir (the location of the output directory

#### usage
$ python3 <gisaid_multifasta> <output_dir>


This shell script will create a Terra data table with sample names and GCP pointers to assemblies, and then import it to a Terra workspace.

#### requirements
Five positional arguments required:
- gcp_uri : the gcp_uri for the bucket containing the assembly files
- terra_project : the terra projet that will host incoming terra table
- terra_workspace : the terra workspace that will host incoming terra table
- root_entity : the name of the terra table root entity; do not include entity: or _id
- output_dir : path to local directory where a copy of the terra table will be saved

Two optional arguments:
- alt_delimiter : file delimiter to pull sample name from file, an underscore is the default
- terra_upload_set : the name of the set applied to the data; by default the date is used

#### usage
$ ./ <gcp_uri> <terra_project> <terra_workspace> <root_entity> <output_dir> <alt_delimiter> <terra_upload_set>


This python script converts a tsv file into a newline json.

#### requirements
Two positional inputs required:
- tsv_file : the input tsv file
- output_name : the name of the ouptut file (do not include .json)

#### usage
$ python3 <tsv_file> <output_name>


This shell script performs all of the functions necessary to transform a given GISAID-generated auspice tarball into a Big Query upload.

#### usage
# read the help message
$ ./ -h


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