A Simple OpenGL Starter Project Using CMake
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├── .github # Repository stuff.
├── horus_gl # HorusGL folder.
| ├── assets # Assets folder.
| ├── horus # HorusGL files.
| | ├── core # Core functionalities folder.
| | | ├── logger.h # Logger utils.
| | | └── logger.cpp # Logger utils implementation.
| | ├── imgui # ImGui related.
| | | └── imgui_build.cpp # Put ImGui on the compilation unit.
| | └── horus.h # Single header for HorusGL features.
| ├── hglpch.h # Pre-compiled header.
| ├── main.cpp # HorusGL entrypoint.
| └── CMakeLists.txt # HorusGL CMake build script.
├── vendor # Third-party packages will be here.
| ├── spdlog # Fast C++ logging library.
| ├── glfw # Library for window and input.
| ├── glad # OpenGL extension loader.
| ├── glm # OpenGL Mathematics.
| ├── imgui # Bloat-free Graphical User interface.
| └── stb_image # Public domain image loader.
└── CMakeLists.txt # Main CMake build script.
Toolset | Windows | Linux | MacOS |
GCC | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
Clang | ✔️ | ❔ | ❔ |
MSVC | ✔️ | ------- | ---------- |