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Github Actions Workman · GitHub license

Egg.js NPM Version Semantic Release

Github actions for the package release.



Pull Request Checker

Check Release Proposal

Example: 'Release {Semver Version}'

Check Release Version

1.0.0 -> 1.0.1 ✅
1.0.0 -> 1.0.1 ✅
2.0.0 -> 1.0.0 ❎

Search Release Label

Add the label to the Release Pull Request

1.0.0 -> 1.0.1 👉 semver:patch
1.0.0 -> 1.1.1 👉 semver:minor
1.0.0 -> 2.2.1 👉 semver:major

Auto Release

Release to Github

commit message: Release {Semver Version}

  • Create tag
  • Create release

Release NPM Package

  • Publish to NPM



Enable Github Actions

Add NPM Token to Secrets.

Project - Settings - Secrets




## workflow
workflow "Pull Request" {
  on = "pull_request"
  resolves = ["npm check"]

## actions
action "npm install" {
  uses = "docker://thonatos/github-actions-nodejs"
  args = "npm install"

action "npm ci" {
  uses = "docker://thonatos/github-actions-nodejs"
  needs = ["npm install"]
  args = "npm run ci"

action "workman check" {
  uses = "thonatos/github-actions-workman@master"
  needs = ["npm ci"]
  args = "workman check"
  secrets = [



## workflow
workflow "Push" {
  on = "push"
  resolves = ["workman release"]

## actions
action "npm install" {
  uses = "docker://thonatos/github-actions-nodejs"
  args = "npm install"

action "npm ci" {
  uses = "docker://thonatos/github-actions-nodejs"
  needs = ["npm install"]
  args = "npm run ci"

action "workman release" {
  uses = "thonatos/github-actions-workman@master"
  needs = ["npm ci"]
  args = "workman release --releaseBranch master"
  secrets = [


Handle Pull Request

  • Create the PR(title: Release {Semver Version})

    1. check the release proposal
    2. check the release version
    3. check the release history
    4. add a label like: semver:patch
  • Merge PR without deleting branch

    1. create a tag with the release version
    2. create a release with release history
    3. release the package with run npm publish --access public



Please open an issue here.


Github Actions Release is MIT licensed.