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csytsma edited this page Apr 15, 2019 · 15 revisions

We need to lay out a Roadmap for updating TileMill and set some Milestones. This is a work in progress:


Milestone 1.0.0: Reset the base - COMPLETE

Release Plan and Status for Milestone 1 - v1.0.1

Milestone 1.0.1: Upgrade core mapping libraries - COMPLETE

  • Update sphericalmercator to have an @mapbox scope and to the latest version (v1.1.0)_ - Don't know if this will require that we update other libraries to add scope to their require statements! It might also need to be updated since it appears to refer to itself without a scope_
  • Bring tilelive over from fork into tilemill-project (may need to update this in order to scope and upgrade mbtiles)
  • Bring bones over from fork into tilemill-project

Milestone 1.0.2: Upgrade Export functionality - IN PROCESS

  • Add ability to edit previous Exports, inheriting all of the previous export settings, to make it easier to redo common export formats.
  • Add ability to set an Aspect Ratio on the export bounding box, and have the bounding box constrained to that size. Also allow the bounding box to be moved by dragging it.
  • This might require pulling Wax into the tilemill-project organization.

Milestone 1.0.3: Misc features, to be defined.

  • tbd

Milestone 1.1.0: Upgrade remaining core mapping libraries

  • Upgrade mapnik to the latest version (v4.2.1)
    • Will require simultaneous upgrade of the following due to sqlite3 dependency:
      • Upgrade sqlite3 to latest version (v4.0.6)
      • Get access to tilemill-project/millstone
      • Upgrade millstone to latest version and upgrade to handle newer sqlite3
      • Update mbtiles to have an @mapbox scope and to the latest version (v0.10.0)
  • Upgrade carto to the latest version (v1.2.0)
  • Verify that npm install deprecation warnings are all gone
  • Verify that npm outdated is clean
  • Clean up any remaining security GitHub alerts
  • Add mocha tests to provide as much coverage as possible

Milestone 1.2.0: Project administrative cleanup

  • Review old branches and either complete the intent of the branch or remove the branch if no longer needed
  • Do a quick pass review of old issues deleting ones that are not clearly still useful/applicable
  • Bring useful/applicable issues up to date and start fixing them
  • Enable brew install of TileMill

Milestone 1.3.0: Add additional requested features, such as:

  • Export enhanced functionality:
    • define/display scale factor
    • bounding box with aspect ratio set
    • easily reuse prior export definition
  • Import images onto final export
  • Display Legend on final export
  • Display Scale on final export
  • Support the ability for a project to "point at / include" global stylesheets (mss)
  • Support the ability for a project to "include" pieces of a project (mml) file by pointing to another file

Milestone 1.4.0: Package for easier installs on different platforms

  • Create a package for mac
  • Create launch script for mac that will start the server and launch the localhost:20009 URL
  • See if anyone wants to create packages and launchers for other platforms

Milestone 2.0.0: Replace bones with electron

Open Questions

  • Is OSM Bright still an active project? The osx quickstart for it is a broken link. Do we need to pull that into the tilemill-project or see if mapbox is willing to maintain it?