Focal Slider is an image slideshow using <canvas>
that allows you to set a focal point on each slide so when the image is scaled to fill its container, the most important part is always visible.
Create a container element.
<div id="slider"></div>
Initialise the slider.
var slider = new FocalSlider({
container: '#slider', // Any valid queryString
hideArrows: false, // Default: false
autoPlay: false, // Default: true
slideDuration: 4000, // Milliseconds. Default: 5000
slides: [
{ src: 'images/keas.jpg', focus: 'bottom-left' },
{ src: 'images/tiki.jpg', focus: 'top-middle' },
{ src: 'images/jetboat.jpg', focus: 'middle-right' },
{ src: 'images/library.jpg', focus: 'top-left' },
{ src: 'images/paraski.jpg', focus: 'middle' },
{ src: 'images/ski.jpg', focus: 'top-left' }
There are 9 focal points to choose from.
Left | Middle | Right |
top-left | top-middle | top-right |
middle-left | middle | middle-right |
bottom-left | bottom-middle | bottom-right |
View an active demo on the homepage of Louis Trerise Photography.