Automatic time zone conversion for Slack
To simply use this for your Slack team, visit
To work on this app you'll need to create a Slack app at
Provide the Slack app client ID and secret.
Create a slash command and note the verification token.
Set these environment variables on your machine:
: Slack app client IDSLACK_CLIENT_SECRET
: Slack app client secretSLACK_SLASH_TOKEN
: slash command verification tokenPORT
: HTTP server port
The database is MongoDB, so you'll need to install it for your machine.
Install dependencies npm install
Run the server npm start
The easiest way to test on your machine before pushing to production is to use, a secure tunnel service.
ngrok http 3000
will give you a tunnel from a public URL such as to http://localhost:3000
You can then use the public HTTPS endpoint in your Slack app:
- Redirect URI:
- Slash command request URL:
Start the process of adding a team by visiting
To run to production: Find a host, set your domain name, set the environment variables, deploy your code and run the app on boot.
The static HTML part of Channel Time is actually served statically by Nginx and generated through Middleman, a Ruby static site generator. It would be best to just bite the bullet, figure out how Gulp works and put everything in a single application.
Static portion of the site:
Copyright 2015 Julien Vanier