This is NetBeans plugin for OpenCart.
option is unchecked as default. Please check it on Project Properties > Frameworks > OpenCart 2
- NetBeans 8.1+
- OpenCart 2.x
- badge icon
- configuration files
- ignored files (hide system/cache directory)
- code completion for load Controller, Model and View
- code completion in tpl files
- resource files completion
- hyperlink navigation
- go to controller action
- OpenCart code format
- display OpenCart version number on status bar
- modules node
- autodetect function
It contains config.php and admin/config.php
system/cache is ignored with default. If you would like to avoid this, please, uncheck ignore system/cache directory
- Project Properties > Frameworks > OpenCart 2
$this->load->controller('[Ctrl + Space]');
$this->load->language('[Ctrl + Space]');
$this->load->model('[Ctrl + Space]');
$this->load->view('[Ctrl + Space]');
$this->document->addStyle('[Ctrl + Space]');
$this->document->addScript('[Ctrl + Space]');
This feature is available the followings:
You can move from view file to controller file.
- Right-click at the view
- Navigate > Go to Action
Project Properties > Frameworks > OpenCart 2